Gaming Club

Starbreeze Studios

Payday 3 devs reveal the reason behind its matchmaking problems, promise short and long-term fixes

Matchmaking and connectivity issues persist in Payday 3 days after its official release, and now the developers have revealed what actually happened.

Payday 3 comes ten years later after the release of the last installment in the series, but its first days on the market have not been ideal. Matchmaking problems on all three platforms it’s available on have made the community up in arms. Starbreeze, the developers behind it, recently shared in a statement what caused these problems and the reasons why they did not arise in the test versions.

The reasons for matchmaking problems in Payday 3

The company began by pointing out that the matchmaking infrastructure “has not performed as tested and expected.” It’s all due to an unforeseen error that has not allowed the game to “handle the massive influx of players.” Don’t foget that Payday 3 is also part of the Xbox Game Pass catalog in all of its modalities, which opens the range of players to much more than those who have purchased the game, as it’s available both on Xbox Series X and PC.

Starbreeze notes that they released a new version of the matchmaking software in recent days, but an update made by “Starbreeze’s third-party matchmaking partner” on Sunday afternoon has once again introduced instability to Payday 3′s online systems.

“The issue in question did not manifest during Technical Betas or Early Access due to the specificity of rapid user influx and load-balancing,” explains the studio. “Starbreeze is currently evaluating all options, both short- and long-term. In the short-term, this means Starbreeze’s focus is to ensure the player experience. In the long-term, this means evaluating a new partner for matchmaking services and making PAYDAY 3 less dependent on online services”. It is expected that throughout the week updates will be incorporated that allow players to enjoy the game with the rest of the users through the network, while this messaging by the company now hints at the removal of the “always online” requirement that has been maligned by fans since its announcement.