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Marvel Studios

Robert Downey Jr. avoids talking about Iron Man 4, points toward Tom Cruise

The man behind the MCU’s Tony Stark skirts his way around the question of a possible Iron Man 4 and his return to Marvel as the fan-favorite hero.

Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man

Iron Man, the famous Marvel character who was played by actor Robert Downey Jr. from 2008 to 2019, has been key in the construction of the MCU during its first three phases, being the protagonist of his own trilogy and appearing in all of the Avengers movies and other Captain America and Spider-Man films. After his sacrifice before the threat of Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, there are many fans who hope to see Robert Downey Jr. dressed once again in his iconic red and gold armor, and with the series looking towards the multiverse, there is a small possibility for it. Be that as it may, the actor avoided talking about the subject when a reporter asked him about a possible Iron Man 4.

Will Iron Man ever return?

Robert Downey Jr. skirted around the possibility of his return as Iron Man in the premiere of his new series, Downey’s Dream Cars, when a reporter informed the actor about Tom Cruise making a sequel to Tropic Thunder, at the same time asking about a possible Iron Man 4: “Does he want to do that?!” Downey Jr. jokingly said about the movie. “Tom, don’t take it!”, he added between laughs.

Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man
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Ever since his departure from the UCM, it does not seem that Downey Jr. is too excited or interested in returning to his iconic role in any way. Back in 2019, Jon Favreau and the actor himself acknowledged that they had not spoken about a possible Iron Man 4: “We haven’t talked about four” said Favreau, referring to the actor.

“‘I’ve talked to [Marvel Studios president] Kevin [Feige] about it to see what they’re up to, but we definitely love working together and we love these characters. We talk about what it would be, and we always joke about the freak storyline which is the Happy Hogan storyline when he turns into a Hulk-like character. We joke about that. No plans, as of yet”, concluded the actor and director.

Many hope that Robert Downey Jr. will get his own cameo as Iron Man in the expected Avengers: Secret Wars, now scheduled for May 7, 2027 after the studio’s latest delay.

Source | Comicbook