The Saw franchise has become a cult film saga within the horror genre. From the first to the last, a story that takes place over 15 years and tells the tale of fear and panic of a series of characters condemned to suffer the most outlandish atrocities devised by Jigsaw, the villain in the shadows. But with so many movies (9 so far) and so many characters and situations, it is difficult to follow the thread of their stories without getting lost among so much blood and death traps.
Saw: One of the most successful horror sagas in history
Therefore, we offer you below the chronological order of the main events of the Saw film saga, since all the films are intertwined on a plot level and it makes no sense to establish an order of the films without delving into the complex script. Let’s see which events of the different movies we have to follow in order not to lose track of Jigsaw.
Saw chronological order
Saw Saga Order by Release Date
Below you will find the order of the Saw movies according to their release date, a saga that originated in a 2003 short film directed by James Wan himself.