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STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl confirms a release date and arrival to Xbox Game Pass on day 1

After years of delays related to the Ukraine-Russia war, the developers behind STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl confirmed what could be the year’s most important shooter is ready.


It’s one of the most anticipated Xbox exclusives in 2024, but we had our doubts about whether it would continue to be delayed indefinitely. But no, no more postponing its launch. Well.. just one more. The developer of STALKER 2 has just published a new video of the game in which she confirms that it will arrive on September 5, 2024 and it’ll be available on Xbox Game Pass.

Why has it been so delayed?

STALKER 2 may be the title with which you have to be most understanding regarding delays. It is the game that has the most arguments to justify them. What is that reason, you ask? That GSC Game World is a Ukrainian studio that has been shaken by Russia’s invasion and subsequent war.

Many of its members abandoned development to defend their country and they even threatened that there would be no more news until the end of the conflict. What’s more, the game even changed its name as a vindication against the Russian invasion. Several development diaries about how the war has affected them circulate the internet, and they are devastating.

STALKER 2, a game of excessive ambition

Although we are glad that GSC Game World has taken all the time to avoid crunch and for their developers and their country to be safe, many also believe that what happened with the original is being repeated, a game that suffered from excessive ambition and was on the brink of the abyss on repeated occasions. That one already aspired to much more than what technology allowed at that time and Stalker 2 seems to be even deeper and more complex.

To show one of its new features, the so-called A-Life 2.0, a “world simulation system” that will make Chernobyl, or Chornobyl, behave more naturally than ever. Aims to revolutionize the sandbox genre by adapting the behavior of its fauna, flora, and inhabitants to the continuous changes that the players cause in the Zone.

We have been promised that everything will change based on our actions and decisions and there will be a unique experience for each user. An experience many times promised, rarely achieved, and even more immersive if possible, that of the first, which few have managed to emulate in the 15 years that have passed since its launch.

On top of that, the game will be a graphic powerhouse, since Stalker 2 will use the SSD of the new consoles for loading times, will have Ray Tracing support (both in Series X and Series S) and will reach 4K resolution (on Series X). GSC Game World talks about “the ultimate experience”, the one dreamed of in its day in the development of the original.

And now that we have a date, we have no doubt, that STALKER 2 is set to be one of the most important shooters of the year