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Star Wars has revealed who is Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker’s real father

The Darth Vader series of Star Wars comics have made a huge reveal: the mystery behind Anakin’s father, confirming an old fan theory.

Star Wars

Comics continue to contribute to the canon of many cinematographic franchises, from Terminator to Alien, and everything in between. Now a Star Wars comic dedicated to Darth Vader offers us a revelation that confirms a fan theory about who was the true father of Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. In the comic series dedicated to unraveling the mythology of such a famous villain, we’ve been getting a little more light shed on Anakin’s origins, already subtly commented on in Episode I.

Midichlorians and Palpatine’s influence

As the fans will remember, in Episode I it is mentioned that Anakin was conceived by the Force, since his mother, Shmi Skywalker, claimed that there was never a father involved in her pregnancy. Despite everything, Anakin’s creation has always been kept a mystery; until now. The new Darth Vader comic reveals that Midiclorians, microscopic Force-sensitive beings, were influenced by Palpatine inside Shmi Skywalker’s womb, all to create Anakin in a very special way.

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This implies that Anakin was created by the Dark Side of the Force to balance the Force itself, giving a new perspective to the character and the Skywalker legacy itself. In addition, this new information further reinforces the controversial outcome of the last film trilogy with Kylo Ren as a villain, as he would technically be Palpatine’s great-grandson.

Until now, Anakin’s origin was part of rumors and fan theories that suggested that Darth Sidious was the closest thing to a father for Darth Vader, something that has finally ended up becoming part of the lore of Star Wars. Darth Vader #25 is written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Joseph Camuncoli, and is part of the official Star Wars canon that continues to expand through different formats.

Source | ScreenRant