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Stranger Things Season 5 is getting delayed due to the writer’s strike

The writer’s strike is also affecting the giants of streaming entertainment like Netflix, which has now delayed its fifth and final season indefinitely.


One more for the series of catastrophic misfortunes that the writers’ strike is leaving in its wake, shaking the world of television and movies these days.Stranger Things Season 5, which aims to be the final season of the show, had plans to enter the production phase imminently, but the project has just been paralyzed due to the strike. The Duffer brothers themselves announced it on the script writers team’s Twitter account:

“Duffers here. Writing does not stop when filming begins. While we’re excited to start production with our amazing cast and crew, it is not possible during this strike. We hope a fair deal is reached soon so we can all get back to work. Until then -- over and out..”

When does the last season of Stranger Things come out?

Initially, the premiere of the final season of Stranger Things was scheduled for the middle of next year, 2024. Actor David Harbor (Jim Hopper in the worlds of Hawkins) assured in an interview that it would be shot this year and that the plan was to come out “mid to late 2024″. We’ll have to see how the calendar is altered due to this development.

Why is the strike happening?

In addition to the fight for a living wage, one of the primary objectives of the strike is to address the use of AI(artificial intelligence) for TV and movie productions. In recent months, bots that take the scripts of series like Seinfeld and create new, random, and infinite chapters free of charge have proliferated, all without any permission from the authors.

The WGA demands the “regulation of the use of artificial intelligence in MBA-covered projects”,looking to prohibit artificial intelligence from rewriting scriptwriters’ material or being trained from previous work to imitate a style and create new texts with it, but for now the big studios have opposed the idea arguing that it is about one of the most useful tools for the future.

What other series and movies are affected by the strike?

Stranger Things is not the only project on stand by due to the situation. This same weekend it was also revealed that Marvel has halted the new Blade movie with Mahershala Ali because of it. On the other hand, all the late night talk shows stopped their production last week. This includes Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, and Jimmy Fallon’s nightly shows.

The greatest fear of the people is a repeat of what happened during the last strike of the union, which lasted more than 100 days between 2007 and 2008, taking with it shows like Heroes, Prison Break, Desperate Housewives, one season of The Office, and Family Guy.