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The ‘Borderlands’ live-action movie releases its first images and official poster, and it’s looking better than expected

Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart, Jamie Lee Curtis and company shine as badasses in the first images of the Borderlands movie.

borderlands pelicula cate blanchett jamie lee curtis

The ‘Borderlands’ live-action adaptation has finally released its first look at the characters, and to the relief of fans, it’s looking much better than expected.

Released by People Magazine, the first official images from ‘Borderlands’ are clear enough to appease fans who hoped the movie adaptation of the game would manage to capture the wastelands of Pandora, as well as the charm and design choices of the characters that are presented. And while we mourn the glaring omission of our boys Mordecai and Brick, the cast of this film is looking just freaky enough to give us hope it’ll be at least a fun rump.

borderlands pelicula cate blanchett jamie lee curtis
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borderlands pelicula cate blanchett jamie lee curtis

The first image (above) gives us a good look at the main cast of characters for the movie. Staring into what seems to be a manhole, you have Roland (Kevin Hart), Lilith (Cate Blanchett), Tiny Tina (Ariana Greenblatt), Krieg (Florian Munteanu), Patricia Tannis (Jamie Lee Curtis), and of course Claptrap (who will be voiced by Jack Black). Their look and design is close enough to their video game counterparts, even if some aspects of the characters have been altered. While Tannis’ age is not a big deal, Hart as Roland is notable because of the size difference. Krieg is imposing enough, though.

The second image is a close look at Cate Blanchett as Lilith, one of the most powerful Sirens in the franchise that was playable in the first game. The outfit she’s wearing is very similar to what the character uses in the games, although the left side of her body is covered well enough to hide what could be one of the most important details of the character: her blue tattoos that glow with energy and that marks her as a powerful being among mutants and psychos.

borderlands pelicula cate blanchett
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borderlands pelicula cate blanchett

IGN also released an exclusive poster for the film, which presents the entire cast of “heroes” with all of the bombastic feeling of the games.

‘Borderlands’ is releasing on theaters around the US on August 9, 2024. The movie is published by Lionsgate and directed by Eli Roth, in collaboration with Gearbox.
