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The Day Before is shutting its servers barely more than a month after its initial release

After the crash and burn of The Day Before, publisher Mytona and Fntastic have said they’re working with Steam to facilitate full refunds as the game is now officially closing down.


It was one of the most anticipated games on Steam and in the end it turned out to be a real fiasco. Released on December 7 with very little fanfare, the bubble burst just four days later, when FNTASTIC, the studio behind the development of the game announced its dissolution, dragging The Day Before to its demise. Through a statement, the publisher Mytona has confirmed that the title will be removed from Steam and its servers will be closed on January 22.

“We regret to inform you that the development company Fntastic has officially ceased operations, and as a result, The Day Before will be retired and the servers will be turned off on 22 January 2024,” they posted on Twitter/X. “As we previously communicated, Mytona, as the investor, has been working in collaboration with Steam to facilitate refunds for all remaining players.”

Without a development team there is no game

According to the statement, for those who have not yet received their money back, the platform will do so proactively. The publisher said they wanted to “extend their gratitude” to the community. “Unfortunately, without a development team, we had no alternative choice but to officially close the project.”

The Day Before has been a disappointment for those who have been waiting for the release for a long time. The low quality of the project was quickly reflected in Steam reviews, which currently shows an overwhelmingly negative rating. With more than 23,000 reviews, this label makes it clear that this was not the video game that was promised at the time. Another one heading straight to the grave.

The game cannot be purchased on Steam since shortly after the studio announced their goodbye. Now, Fantastic survival game will remain dead and buried forever.