Epic Games
Why was Trios mode removed from Fortnite before the release of Ranked Play?
The anticipated Ranked Mode came to Fortnite to improve the competitive experience of Epic Games’ title, but its arrival took away a popular game mode.

This morning, Fortnite players received the highly anticipated Ranked Mode in the game. After 7 years of existence at last comes a mode in which the most competitive players can show their skills. However, at the same time, Epic Games removed one of the configurations in which players could enter the Battle Royale, the Trios mode
Why was Trios Mode retired from Fortnite?
Trios Mode was the most recent mode to arrive in Fortnite during Chapter 2 Season 5 in December 2020, taking inspiration from the defacto lobby that Apex Legends arrived with. This made it a popular option, opening up an opportunity for other groups of players to come in and play.
Currently, Ranked only hosts Solos, Duos, and Squads for Battle Royale, and Duos for Zero Build mode. Epic Games did not mention why this game mode was removed, or more precisely, in the words of the studio itself, Vaulted. There are assumptions in the community, such as that FNCS switched to Duos mode earlier this year and Epic is encouraging this team configuration. On the other hand, it is believed that the number of players in teams in Trio mode contributes to queue times that should be kept to a minimum.
Will Trios mode return in the future?
Although it’s not entirely clear, this mode may make a comeback. Usually, when Fortnite mentions that something is vaulted, it means that it’s being saved to come back at a later date. Some weapons, especially seasonal ones, are a clear example of everything that is Vaulted returning at some point. However, due to the launch of Ranked Mode, it is still unknown when they will return.
For now, players can continue playing with a three person team if they turn off the autofill feature. They will be with disadvantage, but that’s a way to beat the system.
For more details on Ranked Mode, don’t miss our in-depth guide to this new way to play Fortnite.