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Slavic Magic

Windmill not working in ‘Manor Lords’: what’s happening and how to fix it

If you are playing Manor Lords and think the windmill is not working, you may need to take a few steps back to see if the process is correct.

‘Manor Lords’ came as a big surprise and became the indie hit of the season. For fans of city builders, the medieval twist has meant a different experience, being closer to the inhabitants of our land, and being able to assign their tasks and duties.

As part of our job in the game is to provide our subjects with food, the most basic buildings for this are part of our construction options, from foraging huts to gather berries, or setting up hunting camps to gather meat and hides, or the classic frame houses with all their plots. However, there are users on the Internet who report that one of the buildings that should be key does not work: the windmill.

Why the Windmill doesn’t work in ‘Manor Lords’

No matter where you look, users on both Steam and Reddit have expressed their doubts about how to make this building work in ‘Manor Lords’. While some have mentioned that they already have families assigned to work in the mill, or that they have enough wheat, the mill doesn’t seem to move.

However, there are some details that need to be checked to know that this building will work:

  • Have a farmhouse where the villagers turn wheat into grain.
  • Assign a family to the farmhouse and windmill.
  • Make sure that there are no more fields that need to be plowed, harvested, or planted because until there are, your workers will not move to thresh the wheat.

In other words, as long as you have grain and your assigned workers have completed their tasks, the mill must move.

What is the Windmill for in ‘Manor Lords’?

This building is part of the bread-making cycle. Once our villagers have harvested the wheat, they will take it to the farmhouse to thresh it. From there, they will take it to the windmill to turn it into flour, and then take it to the communal oven to bake it into bread.