The Rock

Dwayne Johnson/The Rock in Fortnite: how to get The Foundation skin

We help you get The Foundation skin, from Season 1 of Fortnite Battle Pass Chapter 3. Here is how to look like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on Fortnite.

Dwayne Johnson/The Rock in Fortnite: how to get The Foundation skin

The Foundation is the secret skin of Season 1 of Fortnite Battle Pass Chapter 3. It can be obtained from February 3, 2022 by completing its challenges and missions. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson lends his voice and appearance to this Fortnite character. In this section of our Battle Royale guide we tell you how to get The Foundation skin:

Fortnite: how to get The Foundation

Official artwork for The Foundation skin in Fortnite.
Official artwork for The Foundation skin in Fortnite.

To get The Foundation skin in Fortnite, we must first be purchased from the Season 1 Chapter 3 Battle Pass. Once we've done that, we have to complete this series of challenges and missions:

Fortnite: challenges and missions of The Foundation.

Page 1

  • Visit Mighty Monument, A Seven Outpost, And Sanctuary - Unlocks The Foundation Outfit.
  • Search 3 Chests Or Ammo Boxes At Covert Cavern - Unlocks The Foundation's Fortune Emoticon.
  • Use 4 Shield Potions In A Single Match - Unlocks The True Foundation Spray.
  • Deal 100 Melee Damage To Opponents - Unlocks The Foundation's Plasma Spike Pickaxe.
  • Snipe An Opponent With A Sniper Rifle While Crouching - Unlocks the Foundation's Mantle Back Bling.
  • Hire A Character And Travel 1000 Meters With Them - Unlocks The Foundational Wrap.

Page 2 - Unlocked by completing the six previous missions.

  • Assist In Eliminating Gunnar - Unlocks The Tactical Visor Toggle Emote And The Foundation Outfit’s Unmasked Style.
  • Deal 1000 Damage To Opponents From Above With Shotguns Or SMGs - Unlocks The Tactical Foundation Visor.
  • Deal 500 Headshot Damage To Players With Common Or Uncommon Weapons - Unlocks The Combat Elite Foundation Visor.
  • Land At A Seven Outpost, Then Finish Top 10 - Unlocks The Rocket Wing Glider.
  • Complete all missions in The Foundation (0/4) - Unlocks: Combat Style of The Foundation Outfit and the Foundation Mantle’s Back Bling, the Foundation's Flame Style of the Foundation's Plasma Spike Pickaxe, and the Ultimate Foundation visor.

Visit Mighty Monument, A Seven Outpost, And Sanctuary

To complete this mission, we must visit Mighty Monument, any Seven Outpost, and Sanctuary, regardless of the game mode or whether it is in the same game or over several games:

Unlocks The Foundation Outfit.

Search Chests Or Ammo Boxes At Covert Cavern

To complete this mission, we must search a total of three ammunition boxes and/or chests in Cavern Clandestine, regardless of the game mode or whether it is in a single game or over several games:

Unlocks The Foundation's Fortune Emoticon.

Use 4 Shield Potions In A Single Match

To complete this mission, we must use a total of four shield potions in the same game, regardless of the game mode. We will find these items randomly on the ground, and in chests. Remember, small shield potions give us 25 shield points and can only be consumed when we have less than 50 shield points. The normal/large shield potions can be consumed whenever we have less than 100 shield points, and give us 50 shield points. As we have to take four potions in the same game, we will have to let an enemy damage us to reduce our shield so that we can consume more.

Unlocks The True Foundation Spray.

Deal Melee Damage To Opponents

To complete this mission, we must inflict a total of 100 points of damage to enemies using the pickaxe, regardless of the game mode or whether it is in a single game or over several games. It may be easiest to deal melee damage to enemies by first shooting one of them with a weapon in the Duo, Trios or Squads game modes. Once downed and defenseless, we hit the enemy with the pickaxe.

Unlocks The Foundation's Plasma Spike Pickaxe.

Snipe An Opponent With A Sniper Rifle While Crouching

To complete this mission, we must hit an enemy with a sniper rifle while crouching down, regardless of the game mode. First, we have to obtain a Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper; we will find them randomly on the ground, in chests, or in supply drops. Another option is to obtain the exotic weapon Boom Sniper Rifle, for sale by the characters Lieutenant John Llama and The Scientist at these locations on the map:

Unlocks the Foundation's Mantle Back Bling.

Hire A Character And Travel 1000 Meters With Them

To complete this mission, we must hire a character by paying him gold bars and travel with him a total of 1,000 meters, over any number of games in Solo, Duos, Trios or Squads game modes. These are the characters we can hire, and their locations:

Location of characters that we can hire

Unlocks The Foundational Wrap.

Assist In Eliminating Gunnar

To complete this mission, we must eliminate Gunnar in Clandestine Cavern, in a game in Solo, Duos, Trios or Squads game modes. This is its location:

Gunnar is the head of Covert Cavern. He is the helmetless, blond, and strong OI Guard. He is usually found patrolling the large cavern in the area, on the east side, or the west side.

Unlocks The Tactical Visor Toggle Emote And The Foundation Outfit’s Unmasked Style.

Deal 500 Headshot Damage To Players With Common Or Uncommon Weapon

To complete this mission, we must inflict a total of 500 points of head damage to enemies while using weapons of Common (white color) or Uncommon (green color) rarity, over any number of matches in any game mode. These weapons are extremely common; they appear randomly both on the ground and in chests throughout the island. Remember that in Team Rumble we start each match equipped with a Commando Assault Rifle and an Automatic Shotgun, both of Uncommon rarity, so with these weapons we are already prepared for battle and to start earning progress for this mission by attacking enemies with them.

Unlocks The Combat Elite Foundation Visor.

Deal Damage To Opponents From Above With Shotguns Or SMGs

To complete this mission, we must inflict a total of 1,000 points of damage to enemies while using shotguns and/or submachine guns and while at an altitude higher than theirs, over any number of matches in any game mode. These weapons are extremely common; they appear randomly both on the ground and in chests throughout the island. We simply try to shoot enemies with these weapons while we are at a higher altitude than them.

Unlocks The Tactical Foundation Visor.

Land At A Seven Outpost, Then Finish Top 10

To complete this mission, we must land at any Seven Outpost and finish in the top ten in a game of Solo, Duos, Trios or Squads. We must land at any of these points:

Seven Outpost Locations

Unlocks The Rocket Wing Glider.

Complete all missions in The Foundation

This mission requires that we complete all four previous missions. Or, in other words: we must complete all the missions of The Foundation.

Unlocks: Combat Style of The Foundation Outfit and the Foundation Mantle’s Back Bling, the Foundation's Flame Style of the Foundation's Plasma Spike Pickaxe, and the Ultimate Foundation visor.