Salvage Contractors
Salvage Contractors in Horizon Forbidden West: location and details
We tell you everything you need to know about the salvage contractors, their assignments, locations and rewards in Horizon Forbidden West.

In addition to a long list of side quests and the occasional errand, Horizon Forbidden West also features several rescue contracts to complete. With these, we get in return rewards such as special materials and a set of legendary Oseram Artificer armor by completing them all. Therefore, and as part of this complete guide, we help you find and complete all these salvage contracts.

Salvage Contractors: where to find them and missions
Barren Light Salvage Contractor
In an Oseram camp we will find Larend, with whom we will talk in order to get a series of salvage contracts to start with (some of them will be unlocked after finishing the first ones). Once everything is completed, we will get to know the location of the following contractors.
- Convoy Ambush: As the name suggests, we must prepare a strategy to ambush a convoy and get some resources from a downed Shell-Walker.
- Alarm Antennas: We ended up with hoarders in order to collect their antennas.
- Scavengers: in this case, we have to finish with some Charger and Scrapper in order to collect their pieces.
- Elusive Fanghorn: we must fight and defeat a Fanghorn, which we can optionally ride (if we have unlocked the corresponding Cauldron).

The Stillsands Salvage Contractor
In this case, we will meet an Oseram named Runda, who will ask us to complete a series of contracts on her behalf, throughout the desert lands.
- Pristine Bellowback: we finish off an acid collector without destroying its cargo bags (it is advisable to do this in melee or without shooting at the tanks).
- Lost Supplies: In this case we have to control a Bristleback to be able to later search the ruins that are hidden to the north, south and central, all of them marked.
- Missing Gear: We finish with some machines and wait for the scavenger machine to appear, a Sunwing that we must follow without being detected.
- Rollerback Salvage: After completing the previous tasks we return to Runda and this time she will ask us to kill a few powerful machines.

The Greenswell Salvage Contractor
We talked to Handa to get her to entrust us with this series of contracts, which we help you to overcome one by one below. They are not too complex (especially if you have the explorer mode activated):
- Plowhorns and Plants: finish with the marked machines and, optionally, collect 6 tiller plants.
- Ancient Relics: go to the north and south zones of ancient machines and collect the hidden relics.
- Ravager Cannon: this time we will have to face a powerful Ravager and then collect his cannon to deliver it.
- Property Retrieval: we go to the ruins marked on the treasure map and there we look for the relic in question.
- Speedy Lancehorns: after completing the previous contracts we will have this one unlocked, based on killing up to 6 machines known as Lancehorns.

The Raintrance Salvage Contractor
Finally, Danur is the NPC with whom we interact in the indicated position in order to unlock and gradually complete the remaining contracts.
- Mine Launchers: we finish with the enemy machine and collect the weapon embedded in it.
- Colleague and Key: we must help an ally find the key he has lost.
- Reinforced Components: we must take down an imposing metallic adversary that has been reinforced with several powerful pieces.
- Underwater Salvage: we take a dip to find the parts they ask for.

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