What is Elly De La Cruz’s salary in his first season with the Cincinnati Reds?

Elly De La Cruz has sparked an offensive resurgence in Cincinnati and is likely to be the face of the Reds for a long time to come.


This season has been nothing short of phenomenal for Elly De La Cruz. The blazing fast Domincan player has lifted the Cincinnati Reds from their torpor, bringing excitement to the the base paths and racking up the scoring to boot.

De La Cuz’s main weapon? His speed. He has been lighting up the base paths when he isn’t hitting home runs, and has recently set the MLB record for the fastest sprint in the game, making it around all four bases in just 15.3 seconds.

But for all of this talent, what is De La Cruz paid by the Reds? As a rookie, De La Cruz is on the league minimum. It doesn’t matter what his name is, or what his media profile is like. Those things will come into play later in his career. At this moment, what matters is that De La Cruz is a rookie, and rookies make $720,000 per year.

In future years, barring tragedy or injury, De La Cruz will sign for millions of dollars. But for the moment, Cincinnati is getting him for a cut rate price, and he isn’t even 21-years-old yet.

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