NatureBigger than ‘The Meg’? Researchers shed new light on largest ever sharkWilliam Allen23/03/2025 12:35
Science and natureAmericans' shocking testimony after surviving a shark attackJoe Brennan17/02/2025 18:07
SocietyReal life Jaws? Largest great white shark ever found heads for East CoastMaría DávilaGreg Heilman11/02/2025 12:57
ScienceScientists discover how whale sharks find their way through the vast oceansGreg Heilman25/01/2025 19:41
TEXASShark attack in Texas caught on video: woman’s leg severely injured, hospitalizedAStv05/07/2024 11:06
NATURESharks face a far larger threat from humans than they pose to usGidget AlikpalaMaite Knorr-Evans10/06/2024 11:42
MoviesDid the Megalodon ever exist? The last one in the world and its real size compared to the movieAlberto Zaragoza Lerma03/08/2023 15:47