2023 NFL Draft: The best quarterbacks of this year’s class? Bryce Young, CJ Stroud, Anthony Richardson...

Regardless of the year or the prospects, it goes without saying that the quarterback is always the position on which the most focus is place. So, let’s rank them.

Kevin C. CoxAFP

The 2023 NFL Draft has arrived and as per usual, there will be extra attention paid to the signal callers. This year’s class boasts a few special talents, but who are they? Where do they come from and most importantly, what do their numbers look like? Let’s find out.

Top 5 quarterbacks in 2023 NFL Draft

Using a simple grading system provided by TheRinger, we’ve broken down these guys based on accuracy, arm talent, decision-making, pocket presence, creativity, and pre-snap process, to arrive at a final ranking for each. Of course, there is no way to know that this will in fact be how they are dealt on Draft night, but bear with us.

1. Anthony Richardson, Florida

  • Accuracy: 68
  • Arm Strength: 93
  • Decision-Making: 65
  • Pocket Presence: 70
  • Creativity: 80
  • Pre-Snap: 60
  • Overall: 72.9

On the one hand, there is validity in the skepticism surrounding Richardson. It’s not unheard of to see players who perform well at the Combine, only to fall apart when it comes to the demands of the NFL itself. Add to that, the fact that he’s been inconsistent at times and again, you can see why people might have doubts. Yet, the thing is this: His 4.4 second, 40-yard dash ranks in the top 2% of all quarterbacks and that’s before we mention his arm which has got power and then some.

Not only does he know how to operate in the pocket, which some have expressed doubt about, but he knows how to dominate it. Some may point to his 54% completion rate, but to that we’d say it’s clear he may require some fine-tuning; however, it would be a mistake to sleep on him. At just 20-years-old it’s reasonable to believe we aren’t looking at the finished product and he’s already got a whole ton of skills. If he can address his pre-nap work, we could well be looking at one of the better running QBs in recent years.

Strengths & Weaknesses

There is no doubt that Richardson has got arm strength to spare. 60-yard bombs for this kid are standard and he can do so even when in a crowded pocket. If anything, he simply needs more experience doing it. This brings us to the flipside, which is to say he’s demonstrated an uncertainty with how he organizes things pre-snap. To be fair, this is a problem faced by any young QB entering the league, but it’s got to be said that when compared with the other guys on the list, he’s probably got the most work to do in this department.

2. Bryce Young, Alabama

  • Accuracy: 72
  • Arm Strength: 73
  • Decision-Making: 72
  • Pocket Presence: 68
  • Creativity: 83
  • Pre-Snap: 70
  • Overall: 72.7

It may surprise you to see Young at the No. 2 spot given the fact that most have him as a sure bet for No. 1. On the other hand, we’ve got to address the elephant in the room here which is Young’s size, or lack thereof. To be clear, assuming he goes in the top 5 of the Draft, he will be the shortest QB ever to do so and that’s before we mention that’s he’s not the bulkiest of players either. Add to that a penchant for living on the edge and you’ve got a signal caller who is a risk taker, when perhaps he shouldn’t be. Known for holding onto the ball when the field doesn’t pan out as he likes, Young can often be seen going on a run and inviting contact. Earlier this month, he did say he would adjust to suit the demands of the NFL, but his size when combined with his affinity for dangerous living creates a question mark.

On the other hand, when it comes to his skill set, this kid is as sharp in calculation as he is in creativity. In contrast, however, his physical attributes i.e., an ordinary throwing arm and average speed are things that he will have to improve on. In the end, the jury is still out on Young, but it wouldn’t be shocking if we see him develop into a Pro-Bowl level QB.

Strengths & Weaknesses

As mentioned above, this kid is as creative as they come and it’s that attribute that he relies on heavily to compensate for his lack of size. Unfortunately, that’s also his weakness. As we know in life as in sport, creativity can only take you so far. This is where the double-edged sword of his game comes into play. On the one hand, his calmness when the pocket is crowded is something to behold. On the other hand, those scenarios could invite hits that he isn’t built to take.

3. C.J. Stroud, Ohio State

  • Accuracy: 74
  • Arm Strength: 83
  • Decision-Making: 69
  • Pocket Presence: 68
  • Creativity: 70
  • Pre-Snap: 63
  • Overall: 72.5

When you think of Stroud, you think of security. From the size of his frame to his arm strength and athleticism, we’re talking about a solid QB. Yet, it’s got to be said that though he was relatively productive for the Buckeyes during two years as a starter, there was nothing truly stand-out about him.

Indeed, aside from his accuracy which it has to be said is high, there are isn’t any aspect of his game that’s worth writing home about. Even more so, is the fact that our perception of said accuracy is largely based on having seen him throw passes to a selection of NFL receivers at the Combine. Yet, there is one performance that gives us pause and that was a game against Georgia which Ohio State lost. During the contest, Stroud pulled off some plays that even Patrick Mahomes himself would be proud of, but it was just one game. This is to say, we know he has more exceptional qualities in his drawer, but for one reason or another he hasn’t shown them very often.

Strengths & Weaknesses

As mentioned before, when it comes to Stroud it’s all about accuracy. Yet, there is a catch and it’s a major one. As much as he is clearly capable of putting the ball in a catchable spot all day long, it’s equally as clear that he requires a pocket that isn’t chaotic to do so. Needless to say, that’s going to be a major issue going forward as he makes the shift to the NFL, unless he can address it in the here and now.

4. Will Levis, Kentucky

  • Accuracy: 65
  • Arm Strength: 88
  • Decision-Making: 62
  • Pocket Presence: 67
  • Creativity: 72
  • Pre-Snap: 70
  • Overall: 70.3

When it comes to Levis, there is a lot of hype going around. From viral videos showcasing his obvious size and strength, to his very strong arm, it’s easy to understand the appeal that he possesses. Add to that his two years of experience and apparent leadership qualities and you’ve got yourself a genuine star in the making. So, what’s the problem? Quite frankly, he just hasn’t played well.

Now, there were injuries to his foot, shoulder and finer, as well as extensive personnel changes around him, however, there are still some question marks. Is he accurate? More or less, but the ironic thing about him is that his accuracy and health have suffered because he’s both big and strong i.e., he has often invited contact when it was not necessary, leading to bizarre decision making. This is all to say, that it would be interesting to see him play in a scheme where he’s not asked to calculate too many factors. Make no mistake, he’s got an impressive arm and his accuracy is decent. With a little work we could well be looking at a future star.

Strengths & Weaknesses

While it’s clear that Levis’ is as strong as any other QB in the class if not stronger, the problem so far has been his inability to control all of that power. Assuming he can do that, we’re looking at a future elite arm. Conversely, he’s got to work on his decision making.

5. Hendon Hooker, Tennessee

  • Accuracy: 64
  • Arm Strength: 75
  • Decision-Making: 60
  • Pocket Presence: 65
  • Creativity: 70
  • Pre-Snap: 60
  • Overall: 65.5

If there is a late bloomer in the class, it’s Hooker. Part of that is due to the fact that he missed the Combine, as well as Tennessee’s pro day following an operation in December which was performed on his torn ACL. Truth be told, there appear to be more cons with Hooker than pros. From his age - he’s 25-years-old - to his relative lack of accuracy, to his average arm strength and then as we mentioned he’s just returned from surgery on his ACL. He is athletic to be fair, but he’s yet to demonstrate any real mobility in the pocket, which is truly what counts. Ultimately, it’s going to be interesting to see what kind of teams take the plunge on him as his age and health - regardless of opinion about attributes - are two major factors that do not work in his favor.

Strengths & Weaknesses

One thing that we’ve got to give Hooker is the quality of his deep ball. Indeed, Tennessee’s impressive offense was largely built on that quality in this most recent campaign. On the other hand, he won’t have the same kind of time and space to execute such beautiful plays in the NFL. In that sense, his strength becomes his weakness and though we risk sounding like a stuck record, he’s 25-years-old and still recovering from an operation to repair a torn ACL.

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