Artur Beterbiev - Dmitry Bivol summary online, round by round, stats and highlights
![Artur Beterbiev - Dmitry Bivol summary online, round by round, stats and highlights](
UNDISPUTED: Artur Beterbiev is light heavyweight king
That is going to do it for our live coverage of Artur Beterbiev vs Dmitry Bivol. We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!
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We will return with live boxing coverage next Saturday for the return of Tim Tszyu as he takes on Bakhram Murtazaliev for the IBF Super-Welterweight world title. Until then, good night and God bless!
Artur Bivol defeats Dmitry Bivol to become undisputed light heavyweight champion
The fight was so close, at times it was impossible to separate them. In the end, however, there can be only one, and Artur Beterbiev took the crown in a majority decision to become the undisputed king of the light heavyweight division. This is the first fight that Beterbiev has seen the end of, the only one that didn't end in a knockout. This is also Bivol's first loss.
For his part, Bivol takes the loss with grace, offering no excuses. “I don’t have any explanation, because it would look like excuses. I just congratulate Artur and his team, they deserve it.” There’s a sense that Bivol believes he could’ve done more, but he accepts the decision, knowing the fight could have gone either way. “I did my job. I felt that I could do better... He won, what can I say?”
Beterbiev, for his part, admits that Bivol is likely the more skilled boxer. In his post-fight interview, he’s humble, acknowledging that he wasn’t at his best against the younger man. He grinds out the win, often in an ugly way, finding success in moments where Bivol’s technique and movement couldn’t keep up with Beterbiev's sheer physicality.
The scorecard is a source of ridicule by most, with one judge giving Beterbiev eight rounds to only four rounds to Bivol. I personally gave it to Beterbiev by one round, but could easily have accepted it going the other way, with so many rounds so very close. One judge gave it as I did, one gave it as a draw, which is also perhaps a fair view. But that third card is the rub for many fight fans.
Promoter Eddie Hearn was vocal with his incredulity, saying, "There is no way, no way that is an 8-4 fight!" And I would agree with that. It is not a wide fight. A rematch will be needed, for sure. And that has to be welcome news to everyone.
The crowd is divided by the decision and Dmitry Bivol looks incensed!
UNDISPUTED: Artur Beterbiev wins by MD
The three judges at ringside saw it as:
114-114 draw
for a majority decision to Artur Beterbiev!
According to my card I have that as Beterbiev winning by one round, but I absolutely cannot argue either way. A draw would be just, even if you gave it to Bivol by a round, then I would say that that is fair.
Of course the only opinions that matter are those of the three ringside judges.
This is the final round and Beterbiev has never been this far, he has never heard the final bell ring in any of his professional matches.
Bivol still coming forward still covering but trying to get his shots in, the winner of this round could well win the fight. There is absolutely nothing in this there is a razor thin margin between them.
With 30 seconds left Beterbiev comes forward trying to land that one final shot. Bivol responds well and in the final ten seconds they hammer away and the bell sounds and it will go to the decision of the judges! What a fight!
Bivol is really active this round and landing lots of combinations, keeping Beterbiev on the back foot. But he has to be careful with this because if he doesn't tie his man up Beterbiev can come back with a real powerful combo or even a huge right hand and this is what's happening right now!
Beterbiev rocks Bivol with a big right to the temple and Bivol is on the back foot, wobbled covering, desperately trying to get his legs working and get out of trouble Bivol is really tired here and he's losing his shape somewhat.
These are the rounds that Beterbiev knocks people out. In these final rounds are where that thundering hammer that he has for a right hand comes into play. He starts to let his hands fly and Bivol is in a spot of bother.
A left hook a one-two and a huge right hand straight down the middle and Bivol is wobbling! He is in real trouble! The final ten seconds find them in a clinch.
This is really a pick-em fight dead even and this is where Beterbiev tends to come alive. The championship rounds. Bivol is circling around the outside of the ring as Beterbiev continues to march forward.
A very nice right hand from Dimitry Bivol. Beterbiev responds with these slow but thumping combinations. Each shot really lands with true spite.
Beterbiev it's still marching forward but finally Bivol is responding. A lovely one two stops the march forward.
Bivol throws a huge left book that gets around the guard behind the elbow of Beterbiev. Bivol is beginning to work smart here going up down up down, taking the fight both upstairs and downstairs, lowering the guard getting the jab in up top managing this round very well. Perhaps he has his second wind.
He slowed Beterbiev's attack and perhaps even won that round.
As they come out in the eighth Beterbiev sits down behind that right hand lands it nice and low under the guard. Bivol covers up.
These shots are starting to have some effect as Bivol has a bit of blood trickling down on his right eye. Beterbiev is just pounding away single and double jabs and throwing that right hand. Bivol needs to get a few combinations together. He doesn't need to get greedy, perhaps that's what happened in the last round. He looks a bit winded.
Another lovely jab from Beterbiev and that is a solid round for him.
Artur's corner were giving him a pep talk in between rounds telling him that he's not tired and that no one can beat him. I wonder what he communicated to them to initiate that pep talk.
As the seventh starts Bivol stakes out the center of the ring, giving himself space to retreat.
Bivol now comes forward throwing combinations opening up letting his hands fly more freely. It has a wonderful effect. That is exactly what he needs to do.
Beterbiev comes forward tapping with a jab and Bivol comes back he opens up with a five-punch combo and Beterbiev is now pushed back onto the ropes! He's in a bit of trouble now!
He marches forward and throws that hard right hand but he's really got to dig himself out of a hole here in the seventh.
And now Bivol covers up and starts to go backwards. Has he punched himself out? Beterbiev is on the front foot now and lands a hard right around the guard.
We're at the halfway point and this fight has really lived up to the hype. Bivol has shown a lot of ring generalship in the early rounds, but Beterbiev’s power has brought him back into this fight in the last couple of rounds.
Bivol is now coming on strong trying to get behind his jab but he seems a little bit more wary of the counter punch coming back.
Beterbiev is just relentless. He's a bull who's continues to march forward. Bivol is still moving well trying to find the gaps, but these thumping shots to his ribs are taking something out of him. Beterbiev’s now coming forward throwing a double right hand before going downstairs and landing another right to the midsection at the end of the round.
Bivol comes straight out to the center of the ring and tries to hold his ground a little bit better than last round. He really got bullied in that last round and now he lands a lovely one-two followed with the left uppercut really shook the cobwebs off of Beterbiev.
Beterbiev is now coming forward marching on to Bivol, just relentless as he pounds away.
Bivol snaps back with a beautiful one two to the face that snaps Beterbiev’s head back. And now a sharp jab from beterbiev catches Bivol in between steps and buckles his knees. What a lovely shot! Bivol is in a spot of bother here! Those two shots would have ended any other fight, but these two warriors found the end of the round and collapse onto their stools.
The tide hasn't yet turned but this is better from Beterbiev as he's picking up the pace throwing double jabs instead of single, pitting Bivol against the ropes.
Right now Beterbiev looks to be the one on the front foot, and although Bivol has won the early rounds this fight is far from over.
Bivol is staying on the move perhaps trying to test the durability of that recently repaired knee on Beterbiev and now Bivol lands a nice sharp right hand of his own.
Beterbiev has claimed the center of the ring this round and has forced Bivol onto the defensive. A very good round from Beterbiev.
Both fighters are still moving at a very fast pace. Beval seems to be comfortable marshalling these rounds, but Beterbiev is not showing any signs of fatigue. This seems to be going exactly as expected, with Bivol very comfortable in the opening rounds and now he lands a very sharp right hand on the temple of Beterbiev that wobbles him ever so slightly. He's not hurt but that's the most that we've seen the champ off balance in any of his 20 fights.
So far Beterbiev has not thrown any combinations, content to rely on single shots hoping that his power is enough to change the tide. He lands a huge right hand around the guard and now Bivol is on the back foot.
The pace quickens now in the last 30 seconds of the round, as both fighters start to throw combinations both hands fast. The round ends in a clinch.
Bivol comes out in the second round staying very active, marching forward and throwing those combinations. He's still wary of Beterbiev’s power, backpedaling has Artur throws a double jab.
Beterbiev is looking a little bit less mobile than normal perhaps that knee surgery not yet completely shaken off. Bivol is moving very well to both sides mainly to the left but coming back to the right. He's finding gaps in the guard and getting his jab through. Nice work from Bivol.
This is the biggest fight of the year, no doubt. A knockout artist versus a tactician. Bivol is expected to win the early rounds as he keeps Beterbiev at range.
They both come out and try to establish themselves in the center of the ring. They are cagey as they both probe with a jab. Bivol sticks that jab into Beterbiev’s midriff as he marches forward. Both of them exchange one-two shots and both land cleanly. This is on!
Artur Beterbiev vs. Dmitry Bivol [IBF, WBC, WBO and WBA light heavyweight titles]
And the time is finally here as the one and only Michael Buffer announces the fight for all the marbles, for all of the belts in the light heavyweight division, as Artur Beterbiev and Dmitry Bivol slug it out for the IBF, WBC, WBO and WBA titles. Artur Beterbiev is a KO artist, 20-0 with all 20 wins by way of knockout. Dmitry Bivol is a supreme tactician, a man who took Canelo Alvarez apart with ease.
Only one can be undisputed.
And for the biggest of all, Busta Rhymes gives way to Missy Elliot who lays it down like nobody's business!
As Ciara ends her show, the stage is turned over to Busta Rhymes who continues the theme with a medley of his greatest songs.
Before the main event, there is a performance by Ciara where she does a medley of her biggest hits for the crowd.
Now we get ready for the main event. The delay is largely down to the early finish of the fight before, with it scheduled to go 12 rounds, there was a half hour hole in the schedule with the first round KO.
That was a huge shot, an absolutely massive blow. He said that he wanted to take Clarke's head off and he very nearly did it!
They are still looking after Clarke in the corner there and he has absolutely been pounded with something enormous. He's up and about now and it looks like there's nothing broken but my word what a shot!
Fabio Wardley wins by KO!
These two fighters had an all-out war a year ago and now these two heavyweights come out each trying each other's defense. Clarke has a very positive start throwing a nice good double jab right hand. Wardley is a banger and this is what Clark needs to do he needs to keep it as a boxing match. Work behind that jab.
Ohh my! Wardley lands a huge right hand and Clarke is in terrible trouble! An enormous right hand has ended this fight in the first round! Clarke's jaw is completely dislocated! This fight is over! What a huge shot!
Fabio Wardley vs. Frazer Clarke
Now we come to the tastiest of the pre fight morsels. A repeat of one of the fights of the year last time around, as Fabio Wardley and Frazer Clarke do battle once more.
Even though this is just a British-title level fight, the first meeting between these two was an absolutely ferocious war which ended in a draw. This is an excellent match up. If you love boxing you're gonna love this fight.
AND STILL: Jai Opetaia wins by TKO
We're right at the halfway mark and Massey is looking absolutely shattered. Jai Opetaia has really pushed this up a level and I'm not sure that Massey can keep up the pace.
Massey tries to come forward tries to land a combination but he gets a face full of glove for his trouble. Massey's got a busted nose, a busted eye, and now he spits blood.
Pattaya is stepping this up really pushing his attack and going faster he's working a lot harder and throwing his hands letting them fly. And Massey’s corner now throws in the towel! That's it!
That's a great call from Joe Gallagher in Massey’s corner. His man really couldn't take much more.
Opetaia comes out looking sharp pushing Massey onto the ropes and landing some nice combinations to get started.
They stand in the middle and they trade, both fighters landing good shots good combinations. Massey is certainly looking the more marked up of the two perhaps taking more punishment than his opponent.
Opetaia has upped the tempo a little bit and Massey is now showing a bit of fatigue. He's got a cut that's opened up on his eye and Opetaia lands a right cross that really shakes Massey right to his shoes! He's in real trouble now! Massey is hanging on for dear life as Opetaia throws shot after shot.
That is a very good round for Jai Opetaia.
Opetaia is moving nicely horizontal. Massey is trying to not give up as much ground as he has been giving up in previous rounds. And with this Opetaia is forced to go sideways to see his advance.
Massey's face is now marked up, he's taking a lot of shots. He has been giving back and landing some shots of his own, but the champ is doing a really nice job here.
Opetaia has been down to throwing single shots instead of combinations but now Massey throws a very nice right hand which Opetaia rolls and comes underneath with a beautiful uppercut to counter.
Jack comes out doing some really nice work dropping low and sitting under his jab going 1-2 and catching up a tire with a hard stinging shot to the midriff. Opetaia comes forward and Massey catches him with a really hard right hand. Very nice work from Massey.
Another right hand from Massey gets through Opetaia’s guard. Opetaia has to switch tack bringing that high pawing hand down working under the shots that Massey’s thrown at him come in low with an uppercut from the right.
Opetaia is now letting his hands go a little bit more freely and he opens himself up to her a stiff right to the chest from Massey. This is a better round from the Englishman.
In the final minute Massey gets pinned into the corner, allowing Opetaia to finish strong.
A high guard from Opetaia draws Massey on throw in a combo down low. Opetaia counters it with a lovely right hook. Opetaia is feinting high with that pawing right hand forcing Massey to guard and drop and then he brings in a big left hook to catch him low. Nothing has yet bothered Massey, but you feel that he's being set up for the later rounds.
A beautiful left straight down the pipe breaks through the middle of the guard of Massey a really nice shot from Opetaia.
That high feinting paw, forcing Massey to cover is really paying dividends as a nice stinging left hook catches Massey right on the bell.
This is one of the tastiest fights on this card there's Jai Opetaia comes out working from his southpaw stance. Jack Massey is a big boy with a very broad back.
Opetaia is very smooth and a great counter puncher I starts things off with that great big left hand straight down the guard of Massey. He starts to put pressure onto the challenger and pushes Massey onto the ropes.
Massey is no pushover: he went the full distance at heavyweight with Joseph Parker. This is a man who knows how to bang with the best of them. Opetaia is a great tactician and a heavy puncher, but he's going to need every bit of that today.
A heavy counter right from Opetaia lands right on the bell.
Jai Opetaia vs. Jack Massey [IBF cruiserweight title]
Another title fight now as one of the tastiest fights on this card squares off as Jai Opetaia defends his IBF cruiserweight title against Jack Massey.
As Chris Eubank goes to celebrate over to the crowd and offer a high 5 to Neymar, he is shoved by Conor Benn who is also at ringside! Benn jumps into the ring and the two go face to face. That's the fight that they really want, that's the fight that all of Britain has wanted for years. The two sons of the two fathers.
Chris Eubank Jr wins by TKO
We're now over the middle over the hump going into the seventh round we've gone beyond the halfway point and so far Chris Eubank junior has won every round. Some of the rounds were a little bit more ugly than others, but he's really been in control. Now he needs to step it up a gear. Eubank needs to show us not only that he's better than Szeremeta, but that he's better than most of the fighters in the world.
He's now upping that and he lets fly with his hands. A huge shot to the ribs dropped Szeremeta again! He is looking completely deflated. Eubank is stepping through the gears and he's really grinding Szeremeta down.
That's two knock downs in two rounds and here goes again! Another body shot dropped Szeremeta. The referee counts eight and then waves it off: he's had enough!
That's a quality stoppage by Chris Eubank junior. He perhaps needed to do a little bit more a little earlier, perhaps try to stay away from those gigantic head hunting shots, stick to what he does so well working with his combinations instead of going for the one big knockout shot, but there is no denying that Chris Eubank is world level.
The real problem with this fight for Chris Eubank junior is that he has been far too inactive for his own good. This has all of the hallmarks of a tune up.
Szeremeta is definitely in the fight but losing every single round. Eubank is doing better here sitting back on his jab and in the final minute he gets his reward! Szeremeta walks onto a beautiful right hand that sends him to the floor! He gets up more angry with himself than anything but this is another 10-8 round to Chris Eubank junior.
While Eubank is winning this fight he's definitely making it harder than it should be. His desire to in this fight quickly is actually opening him up to Szeremeta’s attack. If he would just stick to his basics, stick to what he knows, work behind his jab, go sharp with his one-two, then Eubank is too much for Szeremeta to handle.
At the beginning of his career Chris Eubank junior was a tactician. He made his name on sharp combination shots, and for some reason today he's looking for the one big knockout blow. He's winning the fight, but he's really having to work for it.
Eubank is now really stepped it up a gear, trying to bang, trying to get Szeremeta out of there quickly. He's now landing heavy punches, every single one with real bad intent.
When he lands he's having great success but the real problem is that he has left himself open to being countered with every shot that he throws. Eubank really needs to stay at range. He's coming in too close, too fast, too hard and Szeremeta is going to learn. This is the problem.
The fight seems to be settling into a rhythm. Eubank is trying to get Szeremeta out quickly, but Szeremeta is sticking into the fight. You feel that Eubank still has a few more gears that he can work through, and he's taking his time, but for now this has become a grind.
There's now a cut that's opened up on Eubank’s right eyebrow, perhaps from a clash of heads. He is pushed to the mat twice by his opponent, both times the referee signals that it was a push and not a knock down.
Eubank is trying to force it now perhaps feeling with that cut that he needs to end this quickly. He's getting very close and trying to throw that uppercut which opens him up to the counter shot. He's perhaps better off staying at range and landing that very sharp jab.
Chris Eubank junior looks very sharp. If he was rocked at the end of that first round, he's not showing it right now. He's landing almost at will with a very nice jab and a great back hand.
Szeremeta Is not at all overwhelmed. He has landed several very nice punches himself. This isn't exactly one way traffic, and in fact he lands now a beautiful right uppercut that snaps the Eubank’s head back.
Eubank comes back working very sharply sticking to his basics, throwing that one too and working behind the jab. Now he lands a beautiful uppercut himself, following it with a left uppercut and a right again! Incredible three uppercuts landing in a row!
Again, Szeremeta is not overwhelmed, but right now Eubank is doing the better work.
Expect the fast start from these two as the fight gets underway. Eubank comes out pounding, looking to be in great condition. He wants to establish himself as a fighter who deserves to be at the very top level in the world. Szeremeta is hoping to pull off something of a miracle.
Both square up orthodox and Eubank junior pounds away with a very sharp jab, landing a heavy one-two and dropping Szeremeta in the first round!
That was a beautiful shot! He took his time he's not rushing and dropped his opponent inside the first minute! What a start from Chris Eubank junior.
Szeremeta is too game, coming forward, trying to be the aggressor and Eubank is far sharper than anyone he's ever faced.
Now the tables are turning! Szeremeta landed a heavy shot that rocks Eubank! As the round ends Szeremeta may have just about gotten his opponent's attention.
Chris Eubank Jr. vs. Kamil Szeremeta
And now we move on to one of the big name fights on this card as Chris Eubank junior takes on Kamil Szeremeta.
Eubank is one of the big names in the British boxing scene, clearly a very talented fighter and the son of one of Britain’s great champions, he has been really pushing for a Canelo fight, something that the Mexican seems reluctant to give.
He's been less active then some fight fans would prefer, and so he really needs a solid performance here tonight to show that he deserves to be at that very top level.
AND STILL: Skye Nicolson wins by UD
So the judges scorecard saw it as:
all in favor of the champion Skye Nicolson, who wins by unanimous decision.
Raven Chapman did some great work right at the beginning. The opening two rounds she really put the pressure on to the champ but in true champion fashion Nicolson quickly recovered and regained her footing, making the fight hers and taking control.
This will go to the judges’ scorecards and while Chapman did some very good work I can't see this going any other way but a fairly wide decision to Skye Nicholson.
I think this is the final two minutes that Chapman has to do anything that may win this fight. By my scoring she really needs a knockout to win. No time to be sitting back straightforward and hammer.
Nicholson seems to be waiting for it, but Chapman seems reluctant to deliver. Both fighters throw rights and both land. Chapman now goes in and gets wrapped up. A huge windmilling right hand from Chapman misses big, but she was really going for it there.
The round ends and that was a great performance by Skye Nicolson.
The right hand from Nicolson catches Chapman and that seems to push the challenger to really come forward in a much bigger way. Nicolson is looking far less comfortable, but still in control. Chapman moves and throws and gets caught again with another counter.
This was perhaps the last chance that Raven Chapman has to do anything big in this fight. She hasn't wobbled Skye Nicolson, or even really bothered her. The rounds are slipping away and if she doesn't start to get the Champs attention right now, then this fight will slip through her fingers.
Chapman lands a nice right to the midriff and that seems to get Nicolson’s attention. They clinch, and Chapman manages to get a few more shots in. Much better from her.
Chapman lands a nice little right hand and she really needs to get something going now. Nicolson is very comfortable and this is beginning to look like a sparring session for her.
The script is continuing as it has been throughout the entire fight. Nicolson is cruising and comfortable and while Chapman is aggressive, nothing is really landing.
There's still not very much in this fight. Very few punches are being thrown and even fewer are landing. The quality shots are coming from Nicolson, but the volume is coming from Chapman.
Nicholson is looking very comfortable, very confident. She's no longer moving to evade Chapman, she's now moving to set up counter shots.
A nice left uppercut from the champ draws and appreciative sound from the crowd. She seems to be often cruising in this fight.
Chapman is still coming forward throwing but missing. Nicolson is very mobile, slipping side to side and really getting her timing down. As this fight wears on, the counter punch from the champ seems to be more and more likely.
Chapman is far busier, but the shots that are landing are coming from Nicolson.
Chapman is staying on the front foot moving forward but Nicholson is now very much more mobile than in the opening rounds. She's beginning to really find the angles and the moments, responding well and becoming far more set with that left hand.
A nice right catches Nicolson, drawing a smile from the champ.
Both fighters are struggling to find combinations throwing single punches. A left catches Nicolson drawing a furious response, but again only a single shot lands.
A nice write from Chapman Lance and it seems to wake Skye Nicolson up. Now the champ is throwing back, getting a little busier, making that heavy left do its work.
Nicolson is becoming more mobile moving horizontally slipping to the side and now she lands a very nice left uppercut. This is more of what we need out of the champ.
Chapman is game, coming forward being more aggressive and finally after three rounds she's being made to pay for that aggression. A good round from Nicolson.
In between rounds, Nicolson’s trainer Eddie Lam tells her that nothing really happened, that neither fighter really landed anything. He tells her to start feinting a bit, and try to land a little bit more.
Chapman comes ahead more aggressively, willing to switch stances, working orthodox and then quickly changing to southpaw and back again. Nicolson is remaining calm, keeping her cool.
Again not much happens, with Nicolson doing a very good job of making Chapman miss, but not yet making her pay.
This is the first ever woman's world championship bout fought in Saudi Arabia. For as much as the Kingdom takes criticism, often rightly so, about their attitude towards women in sports, this can be seen as a big step forward.
Nicholson comes out and takes the center of the ring but Chapman is quick and twitchy. Nicholson is awkward working from that southpaw stance, but Chapman is not awed in any way.
These two ladies work very fast and in this two minute round the time flies by. Good work by both.
Skye Nicolson vs. Raven Chapman [WBC featherweight title]
Then we move on to a women's world title fight as Skye Nicholson will defend her WBC featherweight belt against Raven Chapman. This bout is scheduled for ten two-minute rounds.
I have to say that Ben Whittaker got off very lucky with that decision. He was well on his way to taking his first career loss, and Liam Cameron was handing him far more than he could handle. Whittaker won the first two rounds, but was caught in the third, fourth and fifth. It seemed as if the traffic was all one way.
I'm not prepared yet to say that Whittaker pulled Cameron over the ropes, but I'm not willing to rule it out either.
Either way a very lucky escape for Ben Whittaker. He was well on his way to becoming 8-1.
Here’s how much money is on the line for the two fighters when the action gets underway on Saturday.
Technical decision: Split Draw
Whitaker is now being wheeled off in a wheelchair. With him unable to continue it goes to the scorecards.
Steve Gray scores at 58-57 in favor of Whittaker
Kieran McCann scores at 58-57 to Cameron
Mark Bates scores it 58-58 creating a technical decision. Split draw!
This fight is insane!
The cynical amongst us may say that Ben Whittaker perhaps did this to end the fight early. He was looking entirely out of sorts and this fight was perhaps slipping away from him. If they can't continue it'll go to the scorecards as they stand. With those early round victories perhaps Whittaker felt that he could still win it.
I'm not saying that that's what happened, but this is definitely not very good.
Ben Whittaker is now sat in the corner with his boot off and they are un-gloving him. This fight will definitely not continue. Where we go from here is anyone's guess.
Liam Cameron it's really warmed into this fight. He comes out throwing his hands and lands are solid overhand right that knocks Whittaker's gum shield out.
It looks as if Whittaker's finally realizing that he is in the professional ranks. His first eight fights he won so easily he looked to be a level above everyone around him. But now it looks as if he's being shown that his opposition is more than able to deal with him.
Whittaker settles down and gets behind his jabs, working his way back into the fight. A little blood begins to trickle from Cameron's nose. Whittaker is the better tactician, but right now none of that is being shown. Cameron is simply plotting his way forward pounding straight jabs and right hands.
Ohh my word! Just as the round ends the two fighters clinch and lean on to the ropes, with both of them tumbling backwards over the top rope! A full somersault and they land on the apron after the bell!
It's hard to say whether Cameron pushed or Whittaker pulled, but it could have been a little bit of both. Both fighters looked to be a little bit buzzed by it and Ben Whittaker is very, very slow getting up.
No showboating yet from Ben Whittaker as he tries to get back to basics and regain control of this fight. Liam Cameron keeps coming forward, plodding, moving slowly, coming ahead, landing sharp jabs and hooks to the body.
Whittaker is looking a little out of sorts, not only not showboating but looking to be unsure of what to do next. There were reports that he changed his gloves shortly before coming out of his dressing room, so perhaps something is feeling a little off for Ben Whittaker.
Liam Cameron was roundly expected to lose this fight easily. That is certainly not happening right now.
Ben Whittaker comes out round three letting his hands fly a little bit more freely going both upstairs and down, but Cameron can take a lot of punishment. Cameron comes back with a very nice straight right. Ohh Whittaker is caught! Just as he's dancing moving looking as if he may try to slice and dice, Cameron lands a very nice hard right that just stunned Whittaker.
He catches his breath reestablishes his feet and gets back to jabbing and moving. Those early bouts where Whittaker could simply dance around and humiliate opponents may have given way as he has now upped the level of opposition. Liam Cameron is no fool. When he sees an opening he takes it.
Whittaker has to go back to his basics punching jabbing sticking trying to work Cameron back onto the ropes and win points. This is not the kind of fight that Whittaker wants, but it looks to be the type of fight that he finds himself in.
Second round and Liam Cameron comes out trying to get back on the front foot, taking the center of the ring and letting his hands fly. Whittaker is very slippery, and has outstanding defensive skills. Cameron is coming forward and throwing his hands but he really needs to be careful here that he doesn't walk onto something from Ben Whittaker.
A nice one too from Cameron sees Whittaker slip and come back. And now it's Whittaker who is caught with a lovely left hook from Cameron as he comes forward. Better from Cameron in that round.
Whittaker comes out looking sharp and Liam Cameron while he is perhaps not at the same level it's certainly no slouch. Whittaker takes the center of the ring and shows off some of his skill that got him the silver medal in the Olympics. While he may be flash and divisive dancing around and humiliating opponents, the truth of the matter is that Whittaker has true skill and can really be a great fighter and here we see flashes of that.
Cameron covers up and just takes it as Whittaker unleashes a very nice left hook to the body. That overhand right lands and that's really where he's going to make his mark if he stops Cameron early here.
Very good opening round from Whittaker.
Ben Whittaker vs. Liam Cameron
Now we join the main undercard with a tasty matchup between unbeaten Ben Whittaker and Liam Cameron at light heavyweight. This bout is scheduled for ten rounds.
Preliminary results
Marco Maric vs. Christian Lopez Flores
American debutant Marco Maric defeated Mexican journeyman Christian Lopez Flores with a solid performance over four rounds to get a unanimous decision, winning every round on every judges’ card.
Mohammaed Alakel vs. Jesus Gonzalez
Local Saudi fighter Alakel made his professional debut against a tough Colombian opponent in Gonzalez, getting the unanimous decision in four rounds to start off on the right foot.
The preliminary bouts are underway in the Kingdom Arena in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We will bring you the results of those as they happen before we join the round-by-round coverage of the main undercard with Ben Whittaker vs Liam Cameron.
The Full Card
Main Card
Artur Beterbiev vs. Dmitry Bivol [IBF, WBC, WBO and WBA light heavyweight titles]
Fabio Wardley vs. Frazer Clarke
Jai Opetaia vs. Jack Massey [IBF cruiserweight title]
Chris Eubank Jr. vs. Kamil Szeremeta
Skye Nicolson vs. Raven Chapman [WBC featherweight title]
Ben Whittaker vs. Liam Cameron
Mohammaed Alakel vs. Jesus Gonzalez
Marco Maric vs. Christian Lopez Flores
The main undercard is set to get underway at 12pm ET / 9am PT.
Tale of the tape
Artur Beterbiev
Age: 39
Country: Russia
Stance: Orthodox
Height: 5ft 11.5in
Reach: 73”
Record: 20-0-0
Dmitry Bivol
Age: 33
Country: Russia
Stance: Orthodox
Height: 6ft 0in
Reach: 72”
Record: 23-0-0
Welcome to Diario AS USA’s live coverage of the undisputed world light heavyweight title bout between Artur Beterbiev and Dmitry Bivol from the Kingdom Arena in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
For years, Artur Beterbiev and Dmitry Bivol have dominated the light heavyweight division, leaving boxing fans eagerly anticipating a showdown between the two. Finally, after plenty of anticipation and some delays, the fight is on! This is a long-awaited clash of two undefeated champions. Beterbiev, with his relentless knockout power, and Bivol, the methodical technician, are prepared to put it all on the line. What was once a distant dream for fight fans is now reality, and the stakes couldn't be higher.
Beterbiev’s reputation is built on raw power. With a perfect 20-0 record, every one of his victories has come by stoppage, making him the only champion in boxing with a 100% knockout rate. Many see him as a pure brawler, but he’s far from one-dimensional. His amateur background, where he won European and world championships, shows that he's also a highly skilled tactician. Since turning professional, he’s been a wrecking ball in the division, capturing his first world title in 2017 when he stopped Enrico Kolling with just seconds left in the final round.
His dominance only grew from there. In 2019, Beterbiev added the WBC title to his IBF belt by dismantling Oleksandr Gvozdyk in a fight that solidified his place as one of the most feared fighters in the sport. More recently, he destroyed Joe Smith Jr. in just two rounds, adding the WBO belt to his collection, and successfully defended his titles against Anthony Yarde and Callum Smith. He’s a fighter who seems to get stronger with each round, always hunting for that knockout, and it’s hard to imagine anyone being able to stand up to his power for long.
On the other side of the ring, Dmitry Bivol brings a different style, one rooted in precision and strategy. Bivol’s path to his WBA championship was a complicated one, filled with interim and "regular" titles before he was finally elevated to full WBA "super" champion in 2019. But it wasn’t until he took on Saul "Canelo" Alvarez, one of the biggest names in boxing, that he truly burst onto the global scene. Bivol’s dominant performance against Alvarez, where he controlled the fight from start to finish, cemented him as one of the best in the division.
Bivol, like Beterbiev, has an impressive undefeated record, but his victories come more through precision than power, with only 12 of his 23 wins coming by knockout. His methodical approach, along with his ability to neutralize his opponents’ strengths, makes him a difficult puzzle to solve in the ring. His win over Canelo was a perfect example of that, as he used tight defense and well-timed counters to hand the Mexican superstar just the second loss of his career.
Now, the stage is set for Beterbiev and Bivol to finally meet, and this fight promises to be an intense battle between two contrasting styles - Beterbiev’s crushing power against Bivol’s calculated precision. With both fighters eyeing undisputed status, and the possibility of facing David Morrell or David Benavidez looming for the winner, this could be a fight for the ages. Meanwhile, on the undercard, IBF cruiserweight champion Jai Opetaia faces Jack Massey in what promises to be an explosive co-main event. Opetaia is coming off a strong win over Mairis Briedis, and his power and adaptability make him another fighter to watch as the night unfolds.