International Soccer

Mbappé dispute over image rights was “collective move”

The French striker said the dispute over image rights with the French Football Federation was a “collective move” with his international teammates


This week, PSG and French international player Kylian Mbappé refused to participate in an international team photo as well as the sponsor activities scheduled for the week. He said he does not want to endorse certain brands that are sponsoring the team.

“I have decided to not take part in the photo shoot after the French federation’s refusal to change the image rights agreement with the players” Mbappé said in a statement.

The French Football Federation has since stated that they will review the image rights agreement as soon as possible and that they are “delighted to work over a new agreement”.

Mbappé made sure to clarify to reporters that he was never alone in his stance and that his teammates back him up on it. Goalkeeper Hugo Lloris and defender Raphael Varane were also included in a meeting with the FFF before the federation decided to review the agreement.

“Maybe you didn’t know it, but they have always been behind me,” said Mbappé. “From the beginning, it was a collective move. It’s just that I don’t have any problem going to the front of the stage, fighting for my teammates.

France will face Denmark in the final Nations League game before the World Cup in Qatar on November 20.