Shooting in Auckland, New Zealand before Women’s World Cup, live updates: two dead, killer used shotgun


New Zealand shooting: live updates from Auckland

Auckland shooting: headlines

- Three confirmed dead in Thursday morning shooting, including the gunman, as yet unidentified.

- Situation contained in building under construction in Auckland's lower Queen Street.

- Shooting took place on morning of the start of the Women's World Cup but said to be unrelated to the tournament.

- FIFA and New Zealand prime minister confirm that World Cup will continue as planned.

- Police name 24-year-old Matu Tangi Matua Reid, who was under house arrest after being sentenced on domestic violence charges, as the shooter.

A minute's silence in opening Women's World Cup game

Police in Auckland opted to strengthen security around the first game of the Women's World Cup between New Zealand and Norway rather than anything more drastic such as calling the game off. A minute's silence was held before kick-off in honour of the three people who lost their lives in the shooting in their city, as well as those who were injured. 

Local authorities were keen to stress that the incident was unrelated to the World Cup. 


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Auckland shooter named

The gunman that killed two people and injured at least 10 in Auckland has been named by police in New Zealand. 24-year-old Matu Tangi Matua Reid was, according to the authorities, under house arrest after being sentenced on domestic violence charges in March. Reports say that he was described as being at low-risk of reoffending but his risk of causing harm to others was high. 

According to New Zealand media outlet Stuff, "Reid was previously required to undergo anger management, and considered that he had been misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder". 


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“Unfortunately, I feel like in the U.S., we’ve dealt with this far too many times,” said USWNT’s Lynn Williams.

“But there was definitely a sense of, let’s come together, we still have a job to do. But also recognizing that there were lives lost, and that is very real and very devastating.

Minute of silence for victims

It is all still very fresh, and the investigation will take some time before it is concluded, but ahead of the opening game in the Women's World Cup between New Zealand and Norway in Auckland, a minute of silence was observed.


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Soccer world united

The shooting may have been completely unrelated to the World Cup but, given its proximity, the tributes are continuing to flood in. Here is Rob Stone for Fox.


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As per many comments since this tragic incident, the desire is that it does not shadow what is an important global event. And the Women's World Cup is almost ready to kick off...

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster update

The police commissioner provided a detailed update on the situation.

"At 7.22am, Police received multiple emergency calls with reports of a person discharging a firearm from inside the third floor of a building under construction at the bottom of Queen Street.

"Police were on scene at the site within minutes. We are continuing to piece together the entire sequence of events, however what we know is:

"That the offender made his way up through the building site, discharging his firearm on multiple occasions.

"Police entered the building within 10 minutes."

Read the full statement


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NZ police provide shooting update

Earlier news that a police officer had been injured (he was transported to hospital in a critical condition, which then stabilised), as well as four members of the public, was followed up with a call for any witnesses to the events.


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Shooting reaction in New Zealand

"The fact it has happened on the day that was meant to be a huge celebration for New Zealand is just gobsmacking," 1 News reporter Jacob Johnson told the BBC following the incident. "The Women's World Cup was supposed to be a huge win for women's sport.

"In New Zealand it is something we are really trying to push. It's such a shame that something like this will probably dominate the headlines for days.

"The Women's World Cup has been years in the making. I hope organisers are not going to completely let this overshadow the event. The Women's World Cup is a really big deal for New Zealand."

The US knows what this feels like

If a country understands what New Zealand is going through right now is the US. The Americans are the country with the most mass shootings per capita in the world. This is all too familiar for them in what is a sad situation for all. 


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New Zealand rivals Norway joins on prayer

Tonight's rivals, Norway, joins on the thoughts and prayers chain. Their twitter account just released a statement joining on condemning such actions. 


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Business as usual!

After tonight's deadly shooting the national team's twitter account remains active as the team is schedule to take on Norway on the first game of the World Cup. Earlier the team shared their support with the victims and expressed their condolences, but that has ended fast as the girls get ready for the most important game of their careers. 


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The World Cup will continue as planned


"FIFA extends its deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims who lost their lives following the incident which occurred this morning in Auckland, New Zealand, and our thoughts and prayers remain with those who have been injured in this tragic incident. Immediately following the incident,

President Gianni Infantino and FIFA Secretary-General Fatma Samoura were in communication with the New Zealand authorities. FIFA has also been in constant contact with the participating teams affected by this incident.

FIFA has been informed that this was an isolated incident that was not related to football operations and the opening match tonight at Eden Park will proceed as planned.

The opening hours of the FIFA Fan Festival in Auckland city centre will be confirmed in due course. The participating teams in close proximity to this incident are being supported in relation to any impact that may have taken place."

FIFA releases statement 3 hours after the shooting in Auckland. 


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New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins

Confirms that the Women's World Cup will continue as schedule. The prime minister also goes into detail of what what happened to day in Auckland. For now the country is treating the incident as if it was a lone gunman and an isolated situation. 


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FIFA yet to make a statement

As we now know that 6 people have been injured after the fatal shooting. The governing body of football has not made any statements regarding the incident. 

The president of the country has claimed that the tournament will continue and that there is no threat on New Zealand and this is an isolated case. 


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Norway captain Maren Mjelde:

“Everyone probably woke up quite quickly when the helicopter hovered outside the hotel window and a large number of emergency vehicles arrived."

“At first we didn’t know what was going on, but eventually there were updates on TV and the local media.

“We felt safe the whole time. FIFA has a good security system at the hotel, and we have our own security officer in the squad.

”Everyone seems calm and we are preparing as normal for the game tonight. Then we may have to adapt if there are any instructions from the authorities.”

Norway players "3-400 m from the incident"

In a statement, Norway Women’s Football Team Head of Communications Halvor Lea said that “Team Norway lives 3-400 m from the incident, and is not affected. Everything is calm in the Norwegian squad, which is eating breakfast right now. Preparations are going as normal.”

Philippene Women's National Team have released a statement

All members of the team are said to be safe. 


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US team confirm all players and staff are well

The incident was said to have occurred near a hotel where the USWNT, Norway and Philippines were staying. 


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Women's World Cup team bus near to shooting site

A FIFA Women's World Cup branded bus was behind the police cordon once the incident was under control. 


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The Mayor of Auckland has responded to the incident

Wayne Brown calls the situation "scary" and has urged everyone to stay indoors.


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Shooter used a "pump-action shotgun"

Chris Hipkins has confirmed the weapon used by the shooter, saying it was a pump-action shotgun. He has also confirmed that the World Cup will go ahead as planned.


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New Zealand's president has spoken:

The tournament will proceed as planned, says Hipkins.

"There is no national security threat. This appears to be the actions of one individual.”

“Aucklanders and those watching around the world can be assured that the police have neutralised the threat and that they are not seeking anybody else in relation to the incident"

“New Zealanders’ safety and the safety of our visitors is our first priorities.”

FIFA are yet to respond to the incident

Football's governing body will no doubt be questioned about safety for the fans during this landmark tournament, one which Megan Rapinoe called "a massive cultural moment".


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New Zealand Police have issued a statement:

This incident unfolded after reports of a person discharging a firearm inside the site on lower Queen Street at around 7.22am. A significant number of Police responded and cordoned off the area. The Police Eagle helicopter was also deployed and provided oversight.

The offender has moved through the building site and continued to discharge his firearm. Upon reaching the upper levels of the building, the male has contained himself within the elevator shaft and our staff have attempted to engage with him.

Further shots were fired from the male and he was located deceased a short time later. Details around what has exactly occurred are still emerging and Police will continue to provide updates around injuries and the circumstances.


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Gunshots caught on camera

The gunshots can be heard in this video, published by BNO News.


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Auckland, the location for the World Cup opening game, suffered a mass shooting on the eve of the tournament.

This is the latest update of what we know about the fatal shooting in New Zealand, which has killed two people. 

Check out the full statement from New Zealand Police.