“Signing Mbappé was a possibility” says Real Madrid midfielder Tchouaméni

The Real Madrid midfielder spoke to the media about the links between his club and PSG forward, Kylian Mbappé.


Aurélien Tchouaméni spoke to the media ahead of France’s upcoming international fixtures, in which he spoke about the possibility of Kylian Mbappé signing for Real Madrid.

The current Madrid midfielder spoke to the press ahead of France’s game against Ireland, which is to be played at the Parc de Princes. It wasn’t long before Tchouaméni was asked about his France teammate, Kylian Mbappé, and whether or not he could have signed for the Spanish club in the past summer transfer market.

“It was a possibility in summer”, he said, before recognising that in football “many things can happen.”

“Every club in the world” wants Mbappé

Every club in the world wants him. Now he’s at PSG, so we’re not going to talk any more about it. We are very happy with what we have right now”, said the ex-Monaco player, who has been an undisputed part of Real Madrid’s XI this season as they have put together four consecutive wins in the league.

And Tchouaméni spoke precisely about that start to the league campaign in Spain, in which he has broken through as one of the leaders of the squad managed by Carlo Ancelotti.

Tchouaméni admits he is “affected” by missed World Cup penalty

“Last season was gratifying for myself, and in the end every season teaches me how to improve. It allowed me to start a specific program this summer which has worked well for the start of the season”, he said.

As for the World Cup in Qatar and the missed penalty in the final against Argentina (who are set to play against Ecuador and Bolivia: both games can be followed on AS USA), the player recognised that it affected him but he has now turned a corner. “We had to digest the defeat, because it was a failure for myself and the team. The missed penalty was a huge blow, but going back to work with Real Madrid means you get back to doing something different quickly enough.”

“I think about it”, he continued before concluding that “I always will. It affected me. I’m trying to establish a routine, with different competent people in different areas, to take care of my body.”

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