Where are Panama in the FIFA rankings after USA Gold Cup win?

The USMNT were sent crashing out of the tournament after Panama won on penalties in the semi-final stage.

Orlando RamirezUSA TODAY Sports via Reuters Con

Panama sent BJ Callaghan’s USMNT packing their bags in the semi-final stage of the Gold Cup after they won on penalties following a dramatic 1-1 draw. Under the guidance of Thomas Christiansen, the Central American side dominated possession against their lacklustre opponents who struggled to threaten. They will play Mexico in the final, who overcame Jamaica.

Where are the USMNT and Panama in the FIFA ranking?

The recent FIFA men’s rankings were released at the end of June, with Panama nowhere close to being the top Concacaf side. That accolade actually goes to the USMNT, who sit at 11th place in the world. Panama are some way behind them, in 57th place, meaning that a gap of 46 places separate the two sides. They sit just ahead of World Cup 2022 hosts, Qatar, and slightly behind teams such as Venezuela, Republic of Ireland and Burkina Faso, highlighting the size of the feat from Thomas Christensen and his side.

FIFA ranking: top 10 (+ USA)

Ranking - June 2023Team
7The Netherlands

Where are the Concacaf teams in the FIFA men’s ranking?

The recent rise of the USMNT has not gone unnoticed within FIFA, as they are, as mentioned, the highest ranked within Concacaf, at 11th place in the world. The nearest team from the North American continent is Mexico in 14th, who recently moved upwards in the table, overtaking 2014 World Champions Germany. Just behind them are Costa Rica (42nd) and Canada (45th), with Panama way behind.

While Panama’s result against the US and their performances in the Gold Cup in general have been superb, it will likely take a lot for them to make any significant movement in the table in the very short term, given the sheer amount of teams that are currently ahead of them in the ranking. Nevertheless, that is not to take away from the fantastic job both the management staff and players have done, as beating the USA, whether in their best moment of form or not, is never an easy task.

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