Watch: Disturbing tiger shark attack in Red Sea caught on camera

The victim was identified as 23-year-old Russian Vladimir Popov, with reports stating that the shark injured two other tourists.

Arabia Saudita

A Russian tourist died in June after being attacked by a tiger shark on a beach in Hurghada, Egypt. This marked the first fatality in 2023 due to a shark bite. According to Egyptian media, the attack occurred in the waters of the Dream Beach Sheraton resort when the tourist was swimming far from the shore and was repeatedly struck by the shark.

Warning: graphic video attached

The attack was captured on video by other beachgoers who shouted “Oh my God” as they witnessed the victim swimming and surfacing in a peculiar manner while being attacked by the shark. The attack took place in two stages, with the shark repeatedly charging at the tourist in the first phase. Tragically, the second phase proved to be fatal.

Sources cited by the Egyptian newspaper Almasy Alyoum state that the tourist was transported to the morgue of the Hurghada General Hospital, where urgent treatment was conducted. It was confirmed that there were no other injuries besides those inflicted by the shark. According to these sources, the attack occurred due to merchants discarding animal remains into the sea, which attracts sharks to the area for feeding.

The same sources added that one of the boats failed to save the citizen who “cried out for help during the shark attack before being devoured.” The victim has been identified as Vladimir Popov, 23 years old, according to the Russian news agency Tass. According to the news outlet El Badil, some witnesses claimed that the shark injured two other tourists.

What is the risk of a shark attack?

It is important to note that the chances of dying from a shark attack in the USA are reported to be 1 in 3,748,067. This means that the likelihood of dying from wasp, dog, or snake attacks is higher compared to shark attacks. In 2022, there were a total of 108 shark attacks in the US, out of which 57 were recorded as unprovoked bites or attacks according to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF).