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Video: Running of the bulls day eight | the final run of 2023

The early preparations in Pamplona for the famous San Fermín tradition are complete for the last time in 2023.

It’s Friday 14 July and the final running of the bulls in Pamplona for 2023. The 8 a.m. bells got us going doing Calle Estafeta until all the animals, and most of the runners, reach the bullring. Like it or loathe it, it remains a key part of the San Fermín festival popularised in the English-speaking world by Ernest Hemingway in his book The Sun Also Rises.

Bulls from Los Miura in Sevilla are involved, a ranch with a 181-year history, 55 in the festival. The animals are typically tall and very heavy and in 1994 they had the highest number of injured runners: 107.

This year their 850m run lasted 2 minutes 22 seconds and reports state that five people were taken to hospital, putting the total for the week at 34.

Remember that there are sensible and stupid runners every year, so if you decide to get onto the streets, please don’t do this:

More from the running of the bulls 2023

Dangerous herd on day six, but it was quick and clean

No major injuries on day five in Pamplona

Several injuries on day four

Herd splits on bull run day three

Get the lowdown on running with the bulls in Pamplona