Video: Running of the bulls day two | high energy as bulls tear up Pamplona

Northern Spain was again the focus on Saturday morning as the bulls were let loose and hurtled down the narrow streets for San Fermin.


It was the second day of the running of the bulls in Pamplona, the capital of Navarre province, for the festival popularised in the English speaking world by Ernest Hemingway in his book The Sun Also Rises.

It lasted 2 minutes 23 seconds (nine seconds quicker than yesterday) and early reports showed that none of the 12 animals (half bulls, half steers) that departed the pen were left behind although there were several falls across the route. “There have been many moments of tension,” said the local television commentator. There appear to have been four injuries needing treatment.

Day 1 for Pamplona 2023 bull running

Herd splits on bull run Day 3

Get the lowdown on running with the bulls in Pamplona.