Griezmann’s The Decision: how it unfolded live on our Twitter
The complete running Twitter commentary of the Atleti striker’s TV programme covering his decision to stay at Atleti or go to Barcelona.

On Thursday night Griezmann’s made for TV movie “The Decision” was broadcast, covering the end of the recent season and his tortured decision to either stay at Atlético Madrid or move to Barcelona.
Our community manager was keeping tabs on the programme, in addition to all the other bits and bobs going on with the World Cup, but ended up actually live tweeting most of it, which got something of a reaction from our audience. As our CM wasn't expecting to tweet the whole thing, they didn’t set it up as a thread, so here are all the tweets in order, to make it easier to read. Remember these are the reactions in real time...
Griezmann's The Decision live on Twitter
The coverage started with the news that Griezmann had just sent the video to the TV company, and from the tone it’s fairly clear our CM was less than impressed by the whole thing.
Apparently, in the ridiculous Griezmann will-he-stay/will-he-go inanity, he's now sent the video to the TV station, in which he reveals which it'll be.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
The programme then started and, well, you can see how the tweets went…
The Griezmann decision video has started. He's getting a tattoo in his big house at the moment.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
The tattoo doesn't say "Atleti forever". That would have ruined the surprise I guess.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Now Griezmann is playing Fortnite. He's stopped playing and is eating popcorn. This is not exactly gripping telly.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Long monologue explaining what the binary decision involves. Griezmann has to think about it. He's not clear. Should he stay or should he go. If he goes will there be trouble, if he stays...
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Here's a screen grab of Griezmann musing:

A silence of over a minute, with the camera on Griezmann's thoughtful face, indicates he has a decision to take and he's definitely thinking about it.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Hang on, some action! He's got on a private jet and is off to his Mum and Dad's house. They have a really, really, really big telly, they're watching Alavés v Atleti.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Griez and his bro are out shooting some hoops now. They'll probably have a deep and meaningful stay/go chat once they've popped a few home.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Antoine is off to visit his horses. Funky French music accompanies his trip. Lovely French countryside. A spot of boules, then some karting. But none of it can resolve his existential doubt: "I don't know what to do" he laments.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
3 May! We're at the Wanda, a huge Atleti flag hangs in the beautiful Madrid evening air. Europa league semi-finals...
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Footage of the game with his family high up in the VIP area. Atleti are through! Hurrah!
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Back to Griezmann's mansion. He's pensively kicking an ATLETI ball against the wall.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Then he turns and shoots, firing it through the door of a Wendy House. Time for the Fortnite 'L' dance. At least he looks happy for a moment.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
More thinking. This time with a spoon in his mouth. Flick. Flick. He can't take a decision until after the Europa League final...
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
The big day comes:
Atleti beat Marseille in the final. Griezmann scores twice and is MVP!
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
This beat is quite emotional to be fair. Slow motion Griez celebrating, hugging his mum on the pitch, in tears.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Clearly that should have read "This bit is quite emotional", not 'this beat'. Which makes no sense. (Though some of the music in the programme was pretty good).
Celebrating the Europa League... but then Griezmann is booed at Atleti's last game of the season. He went home "badly affected".
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Let's talk a little, Simeone said to Griezmann. "He gave me some peace". This chat is all happening on a car ride. A long, meaningful, car ride.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
Griezmann talking about how upset he is because he didn't look to move, he didn't start any of this. Then he's so exhausted by it all he falls asleep in the back of the car.
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
3 June. It is decision time!!
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
— AS USA (@English_AS) June 14, 2018
And that was that! Griezmann staying. We had to miss out a couple of tweets as there's a limit to how many can go in one single web article on our content manager. And this one, right after he said he was staying. Hope you enjoyed the thread.