
Ribéry fined by Bayern Munich after social media rant

The midfielder has accepted a fine from Bayern Munich after causing a storm with a foul-mouthed social media outburst.

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Bayern Munich have fined Franck Ribéry for his outburst following criticism of a social media post in which he posed with a gold-coated steak.

Ribéry uploaded a video to his Instagram page this week when he visited celebrity chef Nusret Gokçe, an internet sensation nicknamed Salt Bae, at his Dubai restaurant.

The winger was criticised by some followers for what was perceived as a brazen display of wealth, with the dish said to cost €1,200, but he responded in foul-mouthed fashion.

“In 2019 we’ll set the record straight. We’ll start with the envious, the haters, who were obviously born because of a broken condom. F**k your mothers, your grandmothers and your family tree as well. I don’t owe these people anything, my success is down to God, me and those close to me, the people who believe in me.”

Ribéry also hit out at journalists for reporting the story, but his reaction has been met with condemnation from Bayern.

"He has used words that we as Bayern Munich cannot accept and that Franck can never use as a role model, as a player of Bayern," said sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic via the club's website.

"Yesterday [Saturday], I talked to Franck for a long time and told him that he would get a heavy fine. He accepted this punishment."

The incident is the latest in what has been a difficult season for Ribéry, who is expected to leave to leave Bayern at the end of the season when his contract expires.

The former France international, who has managed only nine Bundesliga starts this term, apologised to a journalist after an altercation following Bayern's dramatic 3-2 defeat to league leaders Borussia Dortmund in November.

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