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How to complete the Census 2020 if you haven’t done it yet

For the first time in the history of the United States, people can complete the Census 2020 online and here we will explain how it can be done.

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How to complete the Census 2020 if you haven’t done it yet

For the first time in the history of the United States people can complete the Census 2020 online because it is easier than mailing it. Nearly 80% of the Americans have access to the internet and the people who work at the Census made a video tutorial on how to fill it out.

All you have to do is log in to my2020census.gov and register to start completing it. Before you start, have in mind that you need to have your ID number that the Census Office will assign to you and mail it to your place of residence.

The census is required by the constitution and census mailing started going out to homes in early March across the country.

Here are some of the questions that they ask you:

1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2020?

2. Were there any additional people staying here on April 1, 2020, that you did not include in Question 1?

3. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home (mark ONE box) …

4. What is your telephone number?

5. What is Person 1’s name?

You can find the rest of the rest of the questions in this link.

Other ways to fill out the Census 2020.

There are other ways you can fill out the Census this year and more traditional. You can do it by phone or request a paper that will be mailed to your place of residence and by clicking in this link it will take you directly to those options.

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