
Mayweather bikes around LA without mask during coronavirus pandemic

Los Angeles County now requires residents to wear face-covering masks during the coronavirus pandemic and Mayweather decided to go on a bike ride without one.

Estados UnidosUpdate:

The United States has become the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic with the highest number of cases and deaths than any other country. As of April 19 the U.S had a total of 761,379 people who tested positive for Covid-19 with 40,419 fatalities. Many states like California now require its residents to wear face protections to stop the virus from spreading.

Also the governors of each state have implemented a quarantine period but one celerity athlete decided to break all the rules during this pandemic. Floyd Mayweather was caught by TMZ Sports riding a bike around Los Angeles with an entourage while not wearing a face mask.

As of Wednesday night the mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti made it mandatory for all residents to cover their face while they go out to the streets and the former five-division champion decided the rules did not apply to them with multiple bike rides during the week.

"We have to stay at home for these next few weeks, we've extended that until May 15. But I do think, as we've all said, there is no light switch that will go on, this is more like a circuit breaker box and we have to have the ability to turn it all off again should we see outbreaks," said Eric Garcetti about the measures. The Mayor of Los Angeles said this was only 'the first battle' against the virus.

In the pictures you can see that some of the people he’s with are wearing a mask but Floyd Mayweather isn’t and they are not riding six feet apart which is against the CDC guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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