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US Capitol live updates: shooting & 4 dead | Pence confirms Biden as president & Trump concedes election defeat

US Capitol live updates: shooting & 4 dead | Pence confirms Biden as president & Trump concedes election defeat

Biden declared new President as Trump agrees to 'orderly transition': live updates

Headlines from Washington as Trump finally agrees to 'orderly transition' of power

- Police have confirmed that five people died in the Capitol disturbances with 52 individuals arrested.

- Trump posts video calling for "peaceful transition" to Biden administration in the wake of Capitol Hill riots. 

- Two cabinet members resign over Trump's role in the attack on the Congress. 

- Congress has certified the 2020 Electoral College vote. Joe Biden is confirmed as the next President of the United States.

- After occupying both Houses of Congress, police eventually cleared the buildings of pro-Trump rioters on Wednesday but they remain in the Capitol. 

- Twitter initially suspended the Donald Trump's account for 12 hours, citing an "unprecedented and ongoing violent situation" with Facebook following suit. Facebook's block on Donald Trump's account will now be extended indefinitely - including for Instagram.

- Republican lawmakers speak out against Trump's incitement to violence in the aftermath of Congress attacks.

- In a speech this afternoon Biden said “The President’s words matter, whether good or bad”, calling on Trump to decry the violent protests. 

- Members of the insurrection pictured in both Houses of Congress and sitting at the desk of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 

- The Capitol has been placed into lockdown with a curfew until 6am tomorrow morning. 


Trump considering pardons for top advisors

The President appeared to finally concede the election tonight when he said he would plan for a "seamless transition" to the new administration, in a Twitter video. But while this seems to have halted attempts to overturn the election result, Trump still has nearly two weeks of presidential power at his disposal. 

Reports suggest that he is considering granting pardons for top officials, including his Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, senior adviser Stephen Miller, personnel chief John McEntee, and social media director Dan Scavino. This list is in addition to those already mooted for pardons, such as his children Eric, Donald Jnr and Ivanka, and personal attorney Rudy Giuliani

Who has resigned from the White House after the Capitol riots?


Who has resigned from the White House after the Capitol riots?

Who has resigned from the White House after the Capitol riots?

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos becomes the latest to leave the Trump administration over the President's involvement in inciting the attack on Congress. We have seen a raft of resignations since the violence on Wednesday as members of Trump's White House look to distance themselves from the President's actions. 

Police officer on life support following attack on Congress

Capitol Police said in a statement on Thursday that media reports that an officer had died after the storming of the Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump were inaccurate. The agency said that several officers were injured and some hospitalised after the unrest Wednesday, but that no officers had died as a result.

Four people had died after Trump's supporters swarmed the building on Wednesday in a failed attempt to disrupt efforts to certify President-elect Joe Biden's victory. After first encouraging the rioters, Trump has since rowed back and issued a video statement calling for a peaceful transition. 

Second member of Cabinet resigns over Trump incitement

Another key figure in the Trump White House has resigned, citing the President's role in the Capitol Hill violence as the reason. Betsy DeVos served as Education Secretary since 2017 but said in a statement that she was uncomfortable with the language employed by the President yesterday. She said: “There is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation, and it is the inflection point for me."

On Wednesday Elaine Chao, Trump’s transport secretary, announced via Twitter that she would be resigning her post, becoming the first Cabinet member to do so. 

Senator Hawley's book pulled by publishers

The rescheduled session of Congress on Wednesday night saw a number of former Trump-supporting Senators change their views on the President's electoral fraud claims, but Senator Josh Hawley continued his attempt to disrupt proceedings. Congress was meeting to certify the results, a moved backed by both Vice President Mike Pence and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. 

Hawley's continued insistance on disputing a fair election and delaying the democratic process has seen publisher Simon Schuster drop the production of his book. Hawley took the news badly, decrying the move as "cancel culture". 

Trump commits to an "orderly" transition of power in new video

Having regained control of his Twitter account after a 12-hour ban for inciting violence, President Trump has taken the first meaningful step to prepare for the imminent Biden administration. After months of denial and conspiracy theories, Trump has finally conceded that a “new administration” will be inaugurated on January 20.

In a two-minute long speech, he says that he will now focus on ensuring a “smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power". He does make at least one false claim, suggesting that he acted swiftly to bring in the National Guard yesterday. Numerous outlets have reported that he actually refused to offer the assistance, and that it was Vice President Mike Pence who actually gave the authorisation. 

Police officer confirmed dead after clashes with pro-Trump mob yesterday

CNN has reported that a Capitol Hill police officer was killed yesterday during the protests that saw supporters of the President break into Congress. The officer's tragic death is the fifth confirmed casualty of the violence in the Capitol yesterday, which began with a Donald Trump rally at the White House. 

Congress wants answers 

Five House committees are requesting the FBI inform Congress about what steps the agency is taking to investigate and pursue those involved in instigating, planning and executing yesterday’s assault on the US Capitol. They list President Trump, his supporters and outside groups as well as Rudy Guiliani.

Former chief of staff supports 25th 

General John Kelly, who left the White House under contentious circumstances in 2019, joins a growing chorus of both Democrat and Republican voices calling on Vice President Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. Invoking the 25th Amendment would require Vice President Mike Pence and a majority of the Cabinet to vote to remove Trump from office due to his inability to "discharge the powers and duties of his office." 

Do you know these people?

Many of the people that stormed the Capitol on Wednesday simply walked out without being taken into custody. Authorities are now trying to track them down and looking for assistance.

The rule of law is the same for everyone

Merrick Garland, the federal judge who never got a hearing on his nomination to the US Supreme Court during the Obama administration, said his mission as Attorney General will be to reaffirm those policies as the principles that guide the department’s work.

Vice President will attend inauguration

At least one part of the peaceful transfer of power will take place, Vice President Mike Pence will attend the inauguration ceremony. It has been reported that Trump has not announced if he will attend. There were reports in December that he instead planned to hold a rally the same day. 

A call to action, to healing 

Michelle Obama shares her emotional rollercoaster from yesterday’s events and that “even in the darkness, there are glimmers of hope.” 

She calls on tech companies to step up to stop enabling “monstrous behavior” and to ban Trump permanently from their platforms.

Trump warned of legal exposure 

Trump before Christmas went on a pardon spree with speculation that he would pardon his children and himself. After yesterday’s rioters stormed the US Capitol his legal advisor urged Trump to issue a strong condemnation of the actions.

They fear that he may face legal exposure for the assault on the Capitol for encouraging his supporters to march to the Capitol and “fight.”

According to the NYT reporting“The president had appeared to White House aides to be enjoying watching the scenes play out on television.”

We have witnessed two systems of justice: one that let extremists storm the U.S. Capitol yesterday, and another that released tear gas on peaceful protestors last summer. It’s simply unacceptable.

Kamala Harris, Vice President-elect

Trump non grata 

Shopify shut down TrumpStore.com and the e-commerce portion of the president’s election website on Thursday. In a communication from the company that states the following:

“Shopify does not tolerate actions that incite violence. Based on recent events, we have determined that the actions by President Donald J. Trump violate our Acceptable Use Policy, which prohibits promotion or support of organizations, platforms or people that threaten or condone violence to further a cause. As a result, we have terminated stores affiliated with President Trump.”

What is something else?

25th Amendment: what is it, how is it invoked, how many times has it been used?

US News

25th Amendment: what is it, how is it invoked, how many times has it been used?

Pelosi calls on Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment 

Nancy Pelosi in her weekly news conference called on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment after the President “incited an armed insurrection” with the “unspeakable assault on our nation and our people.” If the Vice President and the Cabinet don’t act, she and Congress will move forward with impeachment. 

Read more about the 25th Amendment its history and how it works.

What did Trump tweet about Mike Pence and why did he turn on the vice-president?


What did Trump tweet about Mike Pence and why did he turn on the vice-president?

Pence and Trump falling out

After Mike Pence refused Trump's request to disrupt Congress' certification of the election results, the president turned on his long loyal servant.

Read more:

Lindsey Graham to speak about violence at Capitol 

Lindsey Graham in 2015 said Trump is a “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot” and said that if the Republican party nominated him as their standard-bearer “we will get destroyed... and we will deserve it.” However during the Trump Presidency he has been a solid defender of Trump, that is until yesterday’s events when a violent mob stormed the Capitol building.  

When Congress reconvened after the intruders had been expelled from the People’s House, Graham spoke to his Senate colleagues saying “Trump and I, we’ve had a hell of a journey,” adding “All I can say is count me out. Enough is enough.” 

He is set to give a press conference at 2 pm ET on the events of last night with growing calls for the 25th Amendment to be invoked and articles drafted for Trump’s impeachment.

Articles of impeachment drafted 

Representatives David Cicilline, Ted Lieu and Jamie Raskin of the House Judiciary Committee authored the articles of impeachment according to The Daily Beast. Cicilline along with colleagues have sent a letterto Vice President Mike Pence calling on him to invoke the 25th amendment. 

First GOP member to call for 25th Amendment

Adam Kinzinger, Representative from Illinois and a frequent critic of the president, called on members of the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment stating “The President has become unmoored not just from his duty or even his oath, but from reality itself." 

The 25th Amendment would remove President Trump from office for not being able to perform his duties and replace him with Vice President Pence until the end of the term. The move would require the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to invoke the measure.

BREAKING: Trump withdraws Wolf nomination after he suggested the president denounce violence

A White House reporter for the Los Angeles Times.

The White House announces that the president has withdrawn Chad Wolf's nomination to be the permanent Homeland Security secretary, hours after Wolf urged the president to denounce yesterday's violence.

Zuckerberg denounces Trump, defends Facebook actions and extends ban

In a long post to his own page on the social network, CEO Mark Zuckerberg explains that Facebook's block on Donald Trump's account will now be extended indefinitely - including for Instagram.

He takes time to defend why until now Facebook has only placed warnings on Trump's dangerous, extreme controversial and paranoid posts, explaining that now he will be silenced because:

"the current context is now fundamentally different, involving use of our platform to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government."

The moment the Capitol perimeter was breached

Watch as a one protester filmed the first moment the Capitol security were overwhelmed and the storming began.

Who was Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot at assault on the Capitol?

US News

Who was Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot at assault on the Capitol?

Shot in chaos at the Capitol: who was Ashli Babbitt?

She was shot in the middle of the chaos in the Capitol, then died in hospital. Defined by her husband as a “patriot”, who was Ashli Babbitt?

WATCH: London mayor: why did Johnson run into Trump's arms?

Sadiq Khan tells UK radio station he's never understood why the UK government pandered to Donald Trump, in light of violence sceens last night at the US Capitol building.

World leaders condemn terrorism at the Capitol

AP - leaders of the world's nations recoil and condemn atrocious scenes against democracy in Washington last night.

Virtual insanity: British superstar Jamiroquai on storming of Capitol lookalikes

The now infamous pictures of a man involved in the violent riots that stormed the federal government building, who can be seen topless wearing an elaborate horned head-dress is being compared to the 90's popstar's former image and logo.

Former Barcelona player involved in pro-Trump DC protest


Former Barcelona player involved in pro-Trump DC protest

Former Barca player at protests that stormed the Capitol

David Wood who played with the FC Barcelona basketball side in the ACB in the 89-90 season was one of the many pro-Donald Trump protesters in Washington DC on Wednesday.

Read the full story:

West Virginia lawmaker involved in Capitol storming

A West Virginia lawmaker recorded video of himself and fellow supporters of President Donald Trump storming the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, triggering calls for his resignation. In the video by Republican Del. Derrick Evans, later deleted from his social media page, he is shown wearing a helmet and clamoring at the door to breach the building after Congress met for an expected vote to affirm Democrat Joe Biden's election victory.

The now deleted video is available on CBS News.

Trump blocked from multiple social media platforms

Twitter, Facebook and YouTube all take steps to delete or limit the circulation of some of Trump’s recent postings in the chaos of the events at the U.S. Capitol.

With four dead last night, is it too little too late?

Watch: video compilation of storming Capitol yesterday

Courtesy of Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Elizabeth wasn't happy with her treatment at the revolution


Britons despair that PM Johnson argued for Trump Nobel peace prize

In September 2020 Donald Trump was nominated for the prize a second time.

Commentators reflect on four years in the making

Many not shocked that the violent scenes of right wing protesters / terrorists / rioters last night at the Capitol in Washington played out, after four years of divisive and hateful rhetoric from Trump and his loyalists, it was almost an inevitable crescendo. 

Brutal confrontation between Trump supporters and the police in the Capitol


Brutal confrontation between Trump supporters and the police in the Capitol

WATCH:  Last night's assault on the Capitol by an enraged mob of Trump supporters

The storming of the federal government building led to a brutal confrontation between the police and the protesters.

Biden win certified, Trump agrees to peaceful handover

US News

Biden win certified, Trump agrees to peaceful handover

Trump finally agrees to handover, Biden certified

Following a harrowing and violent night in which four died and 52 arrests were made, Biden's win was certified and Trump has finally agreed to hand over.

Full story:


Merkel angry, sad after 'rioters' stormed US Capitol

German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed anger on Thursday at the storming of the U.S. Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump which she blamed on the fact the U.S. president has failed to recognise his defeat to Democrat Joe Biden.

"We all saw yesterday the unsettling pictures of the storming of the U.S. Congress and these pictures made me angry and also sad," Merkel told a meeting of German conservatives. "I regret that since November President Trump has not acknowledged his defeat and also yesterday."

Merkel called the hundreds of Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol "attackers and rioters" and said she was confident that Biden will be inaugurated as US President in two weeks.

Germany press

Storming of Congress dominates German front pages

UK minister claims Trump comments led to 'terrible' violence at US Capitol

Donald Trump's rhetoric in disputing his loss of the U.S. presidential election led directly to "terrible" violence at the U.S. Capitol and he should condemn the scenes in Washington, British interior minister Priti Patel said on Thursday.

Hundreds of Trump's supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in a stunning bid to overturn his election defeat, battling police in the hallways and delaying the certification of Democratic President-elect Joe Biden's victory for hours.

Patel said that the events were "terrible beyond words", and Trump had not only failed to de-escalate the violence but had fuelled it. "His comments directly led to the violence, and so far, he has failed to condemn that violence and that is completely wrong," Patel, who is in charge of security and policing in Britain, told BBC TV.



Netanyahu says storming of Capitol 'shameful', must be condemned - Israeli media

Israeli media quoted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as saying on Thursday that the storming of the U.S. Capitol by demonstrators was 'shameful' and deserving of condemnation.

Trump mob path of destruction

A shocking video of Trump loyalists was posted by Washington based reporter Somari Stone as the journalist references 'worst secens in his time in DC'

Donald Trump promises ‘orderly transition’ after Congress certifies Biden as US president

Congress on Thursday certified enough Electoral College votes for Democrat Joe Biden to hand him the victory in the Nov. 3 presidential race over Republican President Donald Trump.

With Congress approving Vermont's votes, Biden now has at least the 270 Electoral College votes that are the minimum for claiming the presidency. Congress' review of the states' Electoral College votes, which was interrupted on Wednesday by Trump supporters storming the Capitol Building, was nearing an end.

Donald Trump’s social media assistant Dan Scavino has tweeted a “Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Electoral Certification”

US Congress accepts Electoral College result and clears way for Biden to become president

Democrat Joe Biden was cleared to be sworn in as U.S. president on Jan. 20 when Vice President Mike Pence declared that Congress had confirmed the Electoral College tally of states' results that showed Biden the winner of the Nov. 3 contest against incumbent President Donald Trump.

Welcome to our live coverage after a frenetic night in the US where four people died after a riot at Capitol where Donald Trump and far right protesters broke into the compound.