Canelo vs. Plant: results and summary

That wraps up our live coverage of this epic super middleweight division fight.
Thanks for joining us!
Canelo Alvarez gave a rousing speech after his victory.
Canelo thanked everyone for their support, and expressed his respect for Caleb Plant as a fighter. The two have made up after their initial friction leading up to the fight.
That sounds like a happy ending.
Saul Canelo Alvarez has unified all the boxing titles!
Canelo Alvarez wins over Caleb Plant by knockout in the 11th round. Congratulations to the best pound-for-pound fighter!
The two fighters embrace after the fight, earning each other's respect and removing the bad blood between them.
It's over! Canelo Alvarez finishes off Caleb Plant!
Canelo Alvarez ends the fight conclusively by sending Caleb Plant to the canvas!
Plant starts off strong.
Plant gains some confidence at the start of the round. Alvarez gets several rights to Caleb's body. More fighting at close quarters this time. Both fighters trying to get in those body shots.
It's a close fight.
The fans are booing because of the lack of action at the start of the round. Plant's slick defense keeps him away from Canelo's power. Big left hook by Canelo. Plant connects with a right. Plant throws out a powerful combination. The American's fans come alive.
Canelo continues his pursuit of the Nashville native.
Canelo fighting a smart fight, with a higher connection rate. He continues with his evasive head movement. The crowd is chanting Canelo's name. Plant moves around the ring to avoid a battering from Alvarez. Canelo takes a seat for the first time after the eighth.
Canelo looks like he's going for the kill.
Canelo is looking for the finish, relentlessly pursuing Plant. Plant has responded to the attacks of Canelo, trying to match the Mexican's offense. Canelo looks to pound the body, and lands a big left hook to Plant's head.
Canelo trying to pick up the pace.
Two big right hands from Canelo. Both fighters showing excellent defense. Canelo starts to do some damage, and the crowd comes alive. Big left hook from the Mexican. Plant trying to avoid close contact. Canelo shows his confidence, not even raising his arms to defend. Great offensive round from Alvarez.
Plant continues to make use of his jabs.
Canelo hits a big left hook, but Plant throws a right of his own. Big right hand by Canelo, still trying to push Plant to the ropes.
Plant comes out into the fourth swinging.
Plant exhibits more of his jabs. Canelo is starting to cut off the ring and is looking for the big punch. Plant rolls with the Mexican's strong punches. Big left hook to the head from Canelo.
Canelo trying to wear down Plant's defenses.
Canelo is trying to systematically break down Plant. He tries to batter Plant's body. A big left hook to Plant's body. Plant with sharp jabs, but Canelo defends, is accurate and shows calculated aggression.
Round 2 starts again with an aggressive Plant.
Canelo is good with his feints and head movements. Big left from Plant. Canelo trying to push Plant to the ropes. Double jab by Canelo. Plant uses his legs to move around. Big left from Canelo.
And we're off!
Caleb Plant starts aggressively, using his pistol-like jab. Canelo bides his time and gets a big right to Plant's body. Plant is careful not to be pinned to the ropes. The American uses his reach advantage to keep Canelo at bay with jabs.
The announcer introduces the two fighters.
Caleb Plant is introduced and is booed by the crowd, who chant "Canelo! Canelo!"
Then the fans roar when Canelo is introduced.
The referees remind the fighters of the rules.
It's time to fight!
Canelo Alvarez makes his way to centerstage in gold and silver.
The crowd sings along to the song that introduces Canelo, and the best pound-for-pound fighter receives cheers and wolf-whistles of welcome.
Caleb Plant walks in wearing an all-white glittery ensemble.
Sweethands is booed as his name is called, but The IBF champion looks unfazed.
It's time for the singing of the national anthems to introduce the main event!
First up, the Mexican theme. Some members of the audience waving Mexican flags. Judging by the sound of the cheers, a lot have turned out for their countryman Canelo Alvarez.
Now, the Star-Spangled Banner, it's the turn of Plant's fans to make noise.
A definitive knockout tonight by Anthony Dirrell in the fourth round!
Anthony Dirrell was looking for a convincing win, and convincing it certainly was! An exciting end to the co-main event.
Canelo and Plant are getting ready backstage.
We're counting down to the main event, and the fighters are getting prepped for the big show.
The co-main feature is about to start.
37-year-old Anthony Dirrell intends to make full use of his last years in boxing, and 28-year-old Marcos Hernandez is going to take full advantage of this chance to fight a champion.
And now, for the co-main event of the night.
It's another super middleweight division bout between two-time champion Anthony “The Dog” Dirrell (33-2-2, 24 KOs) and contender “Madman” Marcos Hernandez (15-4-2, 3 KOs).
Dirrell won the WBC title for the first time in 2014, then again in 2019.
Hernandez says he is ready to face the challenge of fighting a former champion.
The second bout is over, and went the distance.
The fight between Ray Vargas and Leonardo Baez went the full ten rounds, with Vargas winning over Baez by unanimous decision, 99-91, 100-90, and 100-90.
Vargas remains undefeated, with his record now standing at 35-0.
How much money has Canelo Álvarez earned in his career?
Canelo is one of the highest paid athletes in the world. Find out how much money he has won through his fists.
Caleb Plant has something to say to Mike Tyson.
"Sweethands" believes it's not just a matter of brute force.
Plant strolls into the MGM Grand Garden Arena.
The Tennessee native looks prepared for his great moment in the ring.
The stars of the evening are in the house!
Canelo looks relaxed, mighty confident, and ready for the night all decked out in Dolce and Gabbana.
Canelo is the favorite of a fellow boxing superstar.
High praise from a legend. Tyson says he believes Caleb Plant will not last the distance.
The second fight of the night begins!
It's a matchup between two Mexican fighters.
Former WBC super bantamweight champion and undefeated Ray Vargas makes his way back to the ring for the first time in two years to challenge Leonardo Baez.
Vargas is undefeated at 34-0, while Baez has a 21-4 record. However, two years is a long time for a layoff, while Baez has kept himself busy fighting during that time.
How will the fighters fare?
Which boxer are you rooting for?
Plant is taller and has a reach advantage. Will these be enough for the American to take down Canelo?
The first fight of the night is over!
Rising super lightweight fighter Elvis Rodriguez made quick work of former Olympian Juan Pablo Romero. A compelling win in just the fifth round!
History will be made tonight.
The winner of tonight's bout will earn a page in boxing history. There has been no undisputed champion in their weight division.
The controversies of Saúl Canelo Álvarez outside the ring
Canelo Alvarez is no doubt a superstar, but the drama in his life doesn't always involve just his boxing career.
How impressive is that punch?
If you've ever wondered how Canelo Alvarez delivered 38 knockouts, just listen to this.
Has Canelo Alvarez ever been knocked down?
Canelo is the favorite to win in tonight's fight. But is he invincible?
Bad blood just keeps on flowing.
You could feel the tensions mounting even more between the two fighters during their weigh-in.
Canelo Alvarez vs. Caleb Plant: Welcome!
Good evening boxing fans and a warm welcome to you, wherever you may be joining us from around the world! Saul “Canelo” Alvarez will face Caleb “Sweethands” Plant in a battle to become the undisputed super middleweight division boxing champion.
Canelo holds the WBA, WBO, and WBC championship belts, and he will be looking to add Plant’s IBF title to his collection. Plant is the underdog, but is looking to score a big upset.
Stay with us for the next few hours as we bring you all the excitement and the action happening at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Don’t miss it!