Vaccinated Minnesota Vikings G Dakota Dozier in hospital with covid-19

Cases of covid-19 are rising in Minnesota with vaccinated guard Dozier hospitalized and 29 other members listed as close contacts, including their coach.

Scott TaetschAFP

Vikings coach Mike Zimmer revealed during his Wednesday press conference that one of his vaccinated athletes was taken to the ER on Tuesday night after having "a hard time breathing."

According to ESPN's Courtney Cronin, Vikings offensive guard Dakota Dozier is the hospitalized player who has been battling with covid symptoms for four days before being taken in.

Coach Zimmer said that 30-year-old Dozier is currently in stable condition, but tells reporters “it was scary.”

“It’s serious stuff,” Zimmer said. “Like 29 guys are getting tested because of close contact, including myself. Just do what we do,” and adds on that the team is taking every precaution possible to prevent an outbreak within the facility.

Five Vikings on the covid-19 list and 29 to be tested

Covid cases in Minnesota are rising uncontrollably, with the state announcing 7,165 new cases on Tuesday, per the Coronavirus Resource center at John Hopkins University.

Over the past week, Minnesota has placed five players on the covid-19 reserve list, including Dozier, center Garrett Bradbury, safety Harrison Smith, linebacker Ryan Connelly and offensive tackle Timon Parris.

See Also:

Coach Zimmer, who publicly shared the importance of getting vaccinated before the season started, looks like he’s been caught off guard, especially with his team hitting the road this Sunday against the Los Angeles Chargers.

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