What is the average SNAP benefit in each state?
Many SNAP beneficiaries have seen increases in their benefit amounts, but how much have they increased and which states have the highest average payment?

In October, millions of families across the United States saw an increase in their Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. This increase is expected to be between $12 and $15 per person.
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA), which manages the program, has more than 9.3 million households and over 21 million people who received SNAP benefits in August 2021.
Below we have reported the average monthly benefit for households and people, taking into consideration the slight increase which began in October. In October the average monthly benefit in the US increased to around $239 per person and $441.
Which states have the lowest and highest SNAP benefis per person?
- HawaiI ($559)
- Alaska ($445)
- Kentucky ($376)
- Tennessee ($351)
- New Mexico ($335)
Which states have the lowest and highest SNAP benefis per person?
- Montana ($121)
- Arkansas ($148)
- Idaho ($151)
- Maine ($152)
- Florida ($153)
In Alabama, 759,348 people from 371,885 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. When accounting for the slight increase in benefits which began in October, each month the average household benefit is $462, or around $232 per person.
In Alaska, just over 89,000 people from 41,219 households claimed benefits in August. The average monthly benefit per household stands at around $937 for each household or around $430 per person.
In Arizona, 851,592 people from 401,464 households received benefits in August. The average benefit for the households stands at around $490 and $239 per person.
In Arkansas, 333,818 people from 161,979 households received benefits in August. Households receive an average monthly benefit of around $291 or $148 per person.
In California, around 4.3 million people from 2.4 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $253 per person and $446 per household.
In Colorado, a little over half a million people from around 280,000 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $233 per person and $456 per household.
In Connecticut, around 372,430 people from 217,290 households receive SNAP benefits n August. The average benefit amount was $260 per person and $436 per household.
In Deleware, around 113,932 people from 56,955 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $239 per person and $465 per household
District of Columbia
In Washington DC 138,078 people from 83,649 households receive SNAP benefits in August. . The average benefit amount was $ 251.63 per person and $405 per household.
In Florida, around 3.1 million people from 1.7 million households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $153 per person and $262 per household.
In Georgia, around 1.5 million people from 746,740 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $242 per person and $487 per household.
In Hawaii, around 197,000 people from 112,461 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $559 per person and $968 per household.
In Idaho, around 128,000 people from 61,774 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $151 per person and $299 per household.
In Illinois, around 1.9 million people from just over a million households receive SNAP benefits. The average benefit amount was $234 per person and $435 per household.
In Indiana, 619,772 people from 291,435 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $328 per person and $682 per household.
In Iowa, around 278,407 people from 138,070 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $241 per person and $472 per household.
In Kansas, 196,913 people from 95,780 households receive SNAP benefits in August. . The average benefit amount was $227 per person and $453 per household.
In Kentucky, 556,795 people from 259,456 households receive SNAP benefits in August. . The average benefit amount was $375 per person and $789 per household.
In Louisiana, 823,113 people from 397,147 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $247 per person and $496 per household.
In Maine, 160,000 people from 92,000 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $152 per person and $253 per household.
In Maryland, 854,592 people from 479,822 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $238 per person and $412 per household.
In Massachusetts, 959,000 people from 573,168 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $239 per person and $391 per household.
In Michigan, around 1.2 million people from 677,800 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was$247 per person and $444 per household.
In Minnesota, 441,656 people from 225,301 households receive SNAP benefits. The average benefit amount was $220 per person and $417 per household.
In Mississippi, 423,314 people from 210,067 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $245 per person and $480 per household.
In Missouri, 692,604 people from 336,186 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $246 per person and $492 per household.
In Montana, 93,396 people from 47,575 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $121 per person and $223 per household.
In Nebraska, 157,482 people from 74,810 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $162 per person and $326 per household.
In Nevada, 437,871 people from 226,858 households receive SNAP benefits in August. The average benefit amount was $229 per person and $429 per household.
New Hampshire
In New Hampshire, 68,125 people from 35,913 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount was $244 per person and $451 per household.
New Jersey
In New Jersey, 872,699 people from 451,484 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount was $246 per person and $463 per household.
New Mexico
In New Mexico, 540,579 people from 276,828 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount was $334 per person and $639 per household.
New York
In New York, 2.7 million people from 1.5 million households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $263 per person and $448 per household.
North Carolina
In North Carolina, 2.4 million people from 1.4 million households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $168 per person and $279 per household.
North Dakota
In North Dakota, 49,420 people from 24,242 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $166 per person and $324 per household.
In Ohio, 1.4 million people from 752,532 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $246 per person and $471 per household.
In Oklahoma, 632,319 people from 294,282 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $212 per person and $439 per household.
In Oregon, 678,916 people from 405,662 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $256 per person and $419 per household.
In Pennsylvania, 1.7 million people from 965,668 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $244 per person and $441 per household
Rhode Island
In Rhode Island, 139,478 people from 85,955 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $259 per person and $412 per household.
South Carolina
In South Carolina, 614,620 people from 299,258 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $244 per person and $486 per household.
South Dakota
In South Dakota, 72,331 people from 33,942 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $165 per person and $335 per household.
In Tennessee, 836,382 people from 426,160 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $350 per person and $674 per household.
In Texas, 3.1 million people from 1.4 million households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $241 per person and $518 per household.
In Utah, 157,110 people from 76,497 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $244 per person and $486 per household.
In Vermont, 69,409 people from 39,893 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $156 per person and $262 per household.
In Virginia, 763,048 people from 386,582 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $243 per person and $467 per household.
In Washington, 862,820 people from 505,273 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $244 per person and $407 per household.
West Virginia
In West Virginia, 297,141 people from 160,172 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $245 per person and $443 per household.
In Wisconsin, 777,136 people from 412,210 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $245 per person and $450 per household.
In Wyoming, 29,413 people from 13,527 households received SNAP benefits in August 2021. The average benefit amount is around $159 per person and $329 per household.