Do boxers get cauliflower ear? What is cauliflower ear and does it go away?
Wrestlers are often known to suffer from cauliflower ear. Boxers, however, are also prone to having this condition that is considered unsightly by many.

Wrestlers are known to have cauliflower ear, which, as the name implies, is an ear that looks like it has transformed into a cauliflower.
Boxers can also suffer this condition, because just like wrestlers, they are receivers of blunt trauma to the outer ear, which is what causes the deformity.
Wear it with pride
Some fighters consider having cauliflower ear as a badge of honor of sorts. UFC legend Randy Couture is famous for his, with people wanting to touch or take pictures with it.
There is a Cauliflower Alley Club, which is an organization for Pro Wrestlers- its logo is a picture of- you guessed it- a cauliflower ear.
Because of all the blows to the head that fighters absorb, cauliflower ear is an occupational hazard they need to deal with. Their ears are vulnerable to trauma, which can cause damage that prevents blood flow. Blood clots can form under the skin and tissue can be damaged, creating lumps and bulges.
The skin can also be injured and separated from the cartilage. Since the cartilage only gets its blood supply from the skin, it will eventually die when this happens.
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Catch the cauliflower early
If left untreated, the cartilage will shrivel up and curl into a cauliflower-like shape. If the cartilage dies and scarring takes place, the condition is likely to be permanent.
Trauma can also create a space where loose tissue and blood can harden and stick to the area causing the strange ear shape.
One way to treat cauliflower ear is to drain it of the fluid that is caused by constant hits to the ear. This condition can still be reversed. If the ear gets treatment early, the deformity can be avoided.