Logan Paul: YouTuber-turned-boxer outlines presidential ambitions
In an interview with the podcast The MMA Hour, Logan Paul discussed his aim of becoming US president - once he's old enough to run...

Logan Paul has become one of the most prominent personalities in the world of boxing in the United States, having already established himself as an internet star thanks to his YouTube channel, where he creates content that touches a range of subjects.
Aged 26, he can boast of having fought against one of the best boxers of all time, Floyd Mayweather, after lasting the full eight rounds against the 44-year-old in June. But Paul’s aims go well beyond the boxing ring; his sights are also set on the White House.
"I know it sounds fucking absurd"
Paul and his brother, fellow YouTuber-turned-boxer Jake, have previously talked about their lofty ambitions, which include running for the US presidency. It's a career goal that Logan has again discussed in an appearance on the podcast The MMA Hour.
“I know it sounds fucking absurd but dude, I’m 26 years old, I haven’t even […] had the chance to mature in my adult life for a decade,” Paul said. “I’ve been learning and experiencing and just absorbing knowledge for the past eight years, ever since I moved to LA.
“I’m 26, I’ll be eligible to be president when I’m 35. That gives me nine more years to become the best version of myself possible, to just learn as much as I can about people, culture, society, where we fall short, where we’re strong.
“I just think I’d be a good leader one day. And I think the presidential spot needs a bit of a fresh take, if you will. I think the country could use a person who’s a little bit more nuanced, a little bit more innovative and a little bit more authentic. I think a lot of politicians fall short.”
"I've said crazier shit..."
Paul added: “Part of the biggest about this brand that I’ve built, if you will, is that you either love me or you hate me for exactly who I am. There’s no smoke and mirrors. I’m me, I’m Logan, and you accept that as truth or you deny me and ignore me, which is completely fine either way. But I think there’s a lot of power in being authentic and I think it’s a possibility that I could see myself wanting to do at that age.
“Who knows, man? It might not happen, but I’ve got big goals, man. I’ve said crazier shit. If I was 18 and I said I want to fight Floyd Mayweather, I’d be laughed at. I’d be ridiculed. And so, again, I just don’t feel like anything is impossible.”