Priyanka Chopra reveals how she let men treat her before she met husband Nick Jonas

Priyanka Chopra reveals how she let men treat her before she met husband Nick Jonas

La firma Valentino viste a Priyanka Chopra Jonas y Nick Jonas.
JL Hodgson

After spending some intentional alone time when she realized she was in some toxic relationship cycles, Priyanka Chopra met her husband, Nick Jonas, and approached dating in an entirely new way.

Chopra and Jonas met in 2016 and married in 2018. They now share one-year-old Malti Marie Jonas.

Chopra’s previous dating habits

Chopra opened up about her marriage in the most recent episode of her podcast, ‘Call Her Daddy’. The actress was asked about her previous dating patterns, to which she spilled about her old romantic habits.

“I went from relationship to relationship to relationship,” Chopra said. “I did not give myself time at all between relationships, till my last one.”

“I always ended up dating the actors that I worked with or the people that I met on my set. I just thought I had an idea of what a relationship should be like, and I kept seeking that and trying to fit the people that came into my life into my idea of that relationship.”

It was when she saw the damage this kind of cycle was causing her, she decided to take herself off the dating market until she could straighten herself out and figure out what she really wanted.

Acting like a doormat

She saw, in hindsight, that she often acted in the role of “caretaker” in relationships, and put the man’s needs above her own.

“The repeating of the mistake was always feeling like, I need to be the caretaker, always feeling like it’s okay to cancel my job or my work or my meeting or my priority to make sure that he’s propped up,” Chopra admitted. “It was so normalized in my brain for so long that I ended up giving the power in such a skewed way that I never stood up for myself.

“I literally would become like a doormat and I was like, okay, that’s fine because, you know, that’s what women have been told for such a long time that our role is to glue the family together or you’ve got to make your man feel comfortable when he comes back home.

“I reached a point in my life where I was like, what the f*** are you doing? Like, this is getting self-destructive at this point when I had to choose me, I had to be like I don’t owe no one anything except my family and myself, the people who truly love me,” the actress added.

“When you are in relationships where you stop recognizing who you are, you stop having your own identity, or you stop knowing what it is that you want for yourself, what your goals are, then you are invisible. And, I just started feeling invisible in my relationships.”

Things are different with Nick Jonas

Chopra elaborated that things are different with Jonas.

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“My husband makes me feel so seen and so heard and in fact, he thrives on seeing me shine, like he is the most excited about the shows I am doing, he is the most excited when I am on a carpet, he will step aside and he will take pictures of me,” Chopra said.

“My husband and I have this incredible partnership of ‘I got you.’ I can lean on him, you know, that trust exercise, I won’t do that with anyone except Nick. I don’t trust people. He has my back.”

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