Biden’s dog Commander expelled from the White House: what will his future be?

Elizabeth Alexander, the first lady’s communications director, has announced that the German shepherd “is not currently” on the premises after incidents.

The White House has decided to pack the bags for Biden’s German shepherd Commander and expel him from the White House residence for constantly biting White House workers, staff members at the US presidential residence, and also agents of the Secret Service, who have acknowledged at least 11 bites from the president’s dog. “Commander is not presently on the White House campus while next steps are evaluated,” explained Elizabeth Alexander, communications director for the first lady.

At only two years old and with the same amount of work experience, Commander arrived at the White House as a gift to Biden from his family. The president had lost his German shepherd Champ after 13 years of canine friendship, and those close to him decided that to overcome the loss, nothing would work better than another dog.

According to CNN, Commander’s misdeeds could be more numerous. White House staff say that the dog has been bitten more than the 11 acknowledged by the Secret Service since he arrived at the White House. In fact, the head of communications for the US Secret Service, Anthony Guglielmi, assured the news outlet that there is no specific number that includes Commander’s attacks.

This is not the first time one of the Biden’s German shepherds has rebelled in the White House. The Bidens’ other German shepard Major, who they adopted in 2018, had to be moved to their Delaware residence after an attack on a member of the presidential security. According to CNN, the dispute between Biden’s dogs and the Secret Service has “laid the foundation for a ‘combustible’ relationship with Secret Service” and the agents. However, Guglielmi has denied this information.

“On this I can say with firsthand knowledge that it is categorically false. There is an immense degree of trust and respect between the Secret Service and the first family and we know those feelings are mutual,” he told CNN. Another anonymous source has assured the media that the work environment was “hostile” and “dangerous” and that some agents were ordered to avoid certain areas of the White House so as not to cross paths with Commander.

Neither trainers nor veterinarians can calm Commander's spirit

Although the Bidens have tried to play down the issue, the truth is that for months they have relied on several experts, to educate the dog. “They’ve been working diligently with Secret Service, with trainers, with veterinarians, with the residence staff and others on this – they have been taking this very seriously, and for months,” an official told CNN.

But all is not lost for the Bidens and Commander. According to Kathy Hessler, associate dean of animal legal education at George Washington University Law School, the simplest thing to do is to take the dog out “at least temporarily,” to see if its behavior “can be ameliorated.”

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