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ChatGPT: what is, how to use and what can you do with this artificial intelligence chat

The computer programme that can engage in conversation has whipped up discussion on social media but what is it and how does it work?

ChatGPT: what is, how to use and what can you do with this artificial intelligence chat
Oliver Povey
Oli joined the Latest News team in 2021, taking an interest in economics, world news, and articles that build from his study of history. He also dabbles in sports writing, joining the coverage of the last soccer World Cup as well as European Champions League games. He enjoys playing football, electronic music, and painting miniatures.

Artificial Intelligence technology has come on leaps and bounds in the 21st century. The latest to cause an internet stir is ChatGPT, created by OpenAI.

The company was founded in 2015 by a group of the biggest names in Silicon Valley, including the Elon Musk and Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI. They pledged $1 billion to create the then nonprofit to develop AI “in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole.”

Released in November of last year, Twitter has been awash with users posting interesting and sometimes scary responses from the programme. Paired with its cousin Dall-E 2, also created by OpenAI, both images and conversation can be imitated by a programme, in-browser, while sitting at your desk.

The current ChatGPT app is a research preview so is yet to have full functionality. Using a Large Language Model, it can create and write text in varying form, style, and accuracy. As with all AI, expect the technology to advance to some terrifying levels in the future.

How to use ChatGPT?

Once you have signed up and logged into the ChatGPT website, you have the opportunity to type in something to the Chatbot. This is its response to my question, in italics.

  • You can interact with me through a text interface, such as this one (I was on my computer).
  • You can ask me questions or give me tasks to complete, such as answering questions or generating text.
  • I will use my training and knowledge to respond to you as accurately and thoroughly as possible.
  • You can also fine-tune me to your specific needs by providing me with examples of the kind of language you’d like me to generate or the specific information you’d like me to know.

Pretty simple. While chatbots are nothing new, especially for a generation that has grown up with some of the most powerful computer proccessors inside their pocket, what has taken users off guard is its conversational nature.

What can be done with ChatGPT?

There are simple things like asking about factsand figures but a more intriguing option is asking ChatGPT to write a CV and cover letter.

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Another is explaining confusing topics. Like reddit’s r/eli5 page, ChatGPT can explain in simple terms some of the hardest topics to wrap your head around.

In theory, each chat the bot has should improve its future answers. When asked if it would be possible for ChatGPT to experience emotions, it replied, “Emotions are a complex and not well-understood aspect of human experience, and simulating them in a machine would be a significant technical challenge,” while not ruling out the possibility.

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