Check if you have a 50 cent coin worth up to $5,000
An error in the printing of half-cent coins gave rise to the famous “Bugs Bunny” Franklin whose value can amount to an incredible $5,000.

Benjamin Franklin and Bugs Bunny share an intriguing story in the United States due to a printing error on the half-dollar coin. Franklin is clearly a figure of great importance in the United States, known as a scientist, inventor, artist, and political revolutionary; his face appears in many places, including bills and coins.
Franklin and Bugs Bunny collide on a coin
In 1948, John R. Sinnock designed a half-dollar coin intended to exalt a patriotic image of the country. Benjamin Franklin’s profile was featured on the front while the reverse purportedly depicted the Liberty Bell.
According to the GR Coins website, the comedic error that produced the famous coin was a clash of designs that gave the impression that Franklin’s profile had the teeth of the famous animated rabbit, Bugs Bunny.
The error occurred when the wings of the eagle on the reverse melded with Franklin’s face, giving the appearance of a beak instead of the politician’s mouth. This mistake reoccurred on multiple occasions between 1948 and 1963, coinciding with the growing popularity of the Looney Tunes character.
What is the value of a ‘Bugs Bunny’ Franklin?
The ‘Bugs Bunny’ Franklin coin is not actually considered particularly rare. In fact, in 1955, the lowest series value was achieved thanks to 48,200 coins minted.
This specimen reaches an estimated value of up to five thousand dollars depending on its condition, with uncirculated versions from 1950 fetching the highest price. Versions from between 1955 and 1956 in good condition are valued more modestly, between 50 and 130 dollars.