How much pizza do Americans eat every month?

We all love pizza now and again, but how much is consumed in the US per month?

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I’ll be up front and honest: I don’t disagree with pineapple on pizza. I understand if you want to turn away and read something else on AS USA, but we’re not here to argue. Everyone loves pizza, and it’s one of the most popular foods in the modern world, with our eternal debt to the Italians that will never be repaid.

But how much pizza does America consume? Do some states eat more than others? What’s the most common pizza toppings? Well, for all your pizza questions, we consulted a professional pizzologist to answer them.

I’m joking, there no such thing as a pizzologist, it’s a restaurant in Edinburgh.

How much pizza do Americans eat every month?

StudyFinds wrote in late 2023 that “a state-by-state poll (by Amazon Fresh) of 5,000 US adults found the average person can eat over half (five slices) of an entire pizza by themselves in a single sitting” and that the average person eats pizza three times in any given month”.

That averages out at 180 slices of pizza per year. What’s more is that “74% of people asked would be satisfied eating it for any meal of the day” and “69% like to eat it for breakfast.

What are the most popular toppings?

As you may expect, mozzarella comes out on top with 59% of people saying it’s their favourite.

However, I kept scrolling down the list as cheese is a given for me. Up next we have pepperoni (51%) and sausage (42%), with, controversially, mushrooms making the podium with 37% and parmesan (37%) coming in next! Sorry, Americans, you’re wrong.

Those questioned (although I’m beginning to doubt their credentials) also said they also prefer their pizza to come with parmesan (41%), red pepper flakes (32%), pepper (31%) or ranch (30%) on the side.

What are the most disliked pizza toppings?

Here, those who call The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave home really stood up to their nickname, saying that the worst toppings are avocado (39%), mac and cheese (36%), eggplant (36%), pineapple (27%), and fried chicken (26%). I don’t know where to begin.

Any more pizza heresy?

I honestly could not think of a better sub-heading. Georgia prefers square pizza topped with hot sauce while Illinois likes to use vodka sauce on a deep dish; New Hampshire is in love with bleu cheese and buffalo sauce with Washington opting for pesto sauce instead of tomato.

Also, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, and Utah, you all prefer to eat your pizza with a knife and fork. I think I’ll leave it there for today.

For all the latest news, check out AS USA. I’ll be crying in the shower.

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