What are Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s real golf handicaps?

The two leaders have been trading barbs over their respective golfing abilities, bringing the presidential pastime into the spotlight.

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In one of the less serious moments of the CNN debate, Donald Trump traded punches, or rather swings, with Joe Biden over his golf record. Biden claimed he has a handicap of 6 in golf, which Trump described as a lie.

“I’ve seen your swing,” he retorted. “That’s the biggest lie that he’s a 6 handicap.”

What information do we have on their handicap?

Trump, who owns 17 golf courses worldwide through the Trump Organization, claims to have a handicap of 2.8, which would make him a supremely gifted golfer.

On the other hand, Biden has a handicap of around 6.7, according to the last known reports. He was an avid golfer in the past, but has not recorded a score since 2018 and plays less frequently now compared to when he was Vice President. In a 2016 Golf Digest ranking of top DC golfers, Biden held his own, tying for 68th place with a 10 handicap.

As anyone knows who has played golf, one thing is what you claim your handicap is and something completely different is what you’re current level is. Also, going up in age is usually associated with a handicap that grows as well. Older players lose flexibility, distance and the stamina needed to play 18 holes. There are many examples on social media of both presidents hitting awful shots and Trump is known for not following the rules in business, politics and on the golf course as documented by Rick Reilly in his book “Commander in Cheat.”

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