One Piece 1053, when will the next chapter of the manga be released? Confirmed date
We tell you when and where to read chapter 1053 of the One Piece manga, the last chapter before the hiatus that will start the final arc of the story.

The moment of truth arrives. The last chapter of One Piece arrives before the biggest hiatus in its history. The hiatus will allow Eiichiro Oda to "prepare the final arc". The mangaka has shocked half the world with the announcement of the end of the series and left the other half catatonic with the cliffhanger of chapter 1052. Admiral Ryoukugyu, whom we had never seen before, has just appeared in Wano with the mission to catch Robin. An admiral! Whenever one has appeared the mugiwaras have been viciously defeated and many fear the worst. But the answer to what will happen next is in chapter 1053 so let's review when and where to read said episode free.
After this chapter 1053, there will be no One Piece for another four weeks. Until Sunday, July 24, we will not know what has become of the Straw Hats. Precisely two days after the 25th anniversary of One Piece and just one week after the release of the One Piece RED movie in Japan. We're not going to say Oda has it all figured out, but Oda has it all figured out.

One Piece manga chapter 1053 release date and time
Before the super hiatus, there will be no change. One Piece will premiere its 1053rd chapter next Sunday, June 19 starting at 11:00 AM ET / 8:00 AM PT).
From then on, chapter 1053 will be available for free, in English, translated and with the best possible image quality both in the app and on the Manga Plus website. In this app you will find it in English, with the official translation and the best possible image quality. Oh, and best of all, free! No need to pirate. The publisher Shueisha is responsible for One Piece and Manga Plus, so it offers the first three chapters of the series and the last three (updating them every time a new one comes out) on the Manga Plus page. There is no excuse.