One Piece unveils new wanted posters and its bounties
After chapter 1053 we take a look at all the bounty posters of the Straw Hats, and the several groups that comprise the seas of One Piece.

After the arrival of chapter 1053 of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda's manga begins the longest break in its history. A break of more than a month will have us theorizing and discussing all the cliffhangers with which it has said goodbye. And among them, there are the new reward posters. Let's take a look at the new posters for the Straw Hats, the Pirate Alliance, the Worst Generation and the New Emperors:
Pirates with the highest bounty
The most persecuted pirates are the so-called yonkou, the emperors of the sea, of which only one is still alive: Shanks. At the head of them all is Gold D. Roger, the King of the Pirates, who had the highest bounty ever seen on the Grand Line.
- Gold D. Roger - 5.564.800.000
- Edward Newgate (Whitebeard) -
- Kaidou - 4.611.100.000
- Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom) - 4.388.000.000
- "Red-Haired" Shanks - 4.048.900.000

The Worst Generation and the New Emperors
Next would come the so-called Worst Generation, a wave of young pirates who have come to take over the world and defeat the old emperors. The heads of Luffy, Law and Kid are worth 3 billion berries each for a total of 9 billion. A figure that has not been chosen at random, but because it is just what those they have just defeated (Kaidou and Big Mom, with 4,611 million and 4,388 million respectively, for a total of 8,999 million) add up to.
And behind them lurks Blackbeard, the great villain of the series, whose bounty has surely also grown and will be revealed as soon as we leave Wano. Will Buggy be added to these issues in the near future?
- Eustass Captain Kid -
- Monkey D. Luffy -
- Trafalgar Law -
- Marshall D. Teach 2.247.600.000
The billion berry club
Until now it was an exclusive club of which only the commanders of the former emperors of the sea were members. King, Queen and Jack (Kaidou's wings), Marco (Whitebeard's wings) and Katakuri (Big Mom's faithful squire). Once the new emperors are defeated and established, people like Zoro and Sanji will presumably inherit the position, but we'll have to wait for the end of this month and a half hiatus.
- King - 1.390.000.000
- Marco - 1.374.000.000
- Queen - 1.320.000.000
- Charlote Katakuri -
- Jack -

One Piece: The Straw Hat Bounties
The mugiwara bounties haven't changed yet, but it never hurts to revisit them. We'll have to wait until chapter 1054 (for which we already know the release date) to find out if Zoro has surpassed Sanji again, if God Ussop has extended his legend and if Chopper has added more than 50 berries and overtaken Bepo. What will Yamato's first reward be? And Jinbe's after joining the gang? Oda has left us with questions and more questions?
- Jinbe - 438.000.000
- Vinsmoke Sanji - 330.000.000
- Roronoa Zoro - 320.000.000
- God Usopp - 200.000.000
- Nico Robin - 130.000.000
- Franky - 94.000.000
- Brook - 83.000.000
- Nami - 66.000.000
- Chopper - 100