Dragon Ball Super goes on indefinite hiatus: all fronts open for its return
Toyotaro stops indefinitely the publication of new chapters after seven years without interruption. What is to come remains wide open. We take a look at it.

Dragon Ball Super enters an indefinite hiatus after the resolution of the Granola saga. This means that Toyotaro, who is in charge of drawing the monthly chapters of the series and capturing Toriyama's story and general ideas, stops for the first time in seven years since the series came back to life. We do not know when it will return, because no dates have been announced, but we do know that the reason is to be able to calmly prepare the next adventures of Goku and company.
A well-deserved rest for Toyotaro, who after some hesitant beginnings has managed to give a drawing and a rhythm to the vignettes excellent in many moments, especially during the saga of Moro and getting that in the manga we could see a Trunks of the future much more similar to the one we knew in Z than what we saw in the anime, for example. But it's not a total break because he's going to prepare the next steps. What do we have pending in Dragon Ball Super and where can the plots go? We take a look at it below.
Most immediate: the new Black Freezer
The most obvious of all that is yet to be known in the future is what happens to Black Freezer, the Emperor's most powerful transformation that has allowed him to surpass Goku and Vegeta for the first time since they were able to transform into Super Saiyan. This is immeasurable power after training 10 years in a hyperbolic chamber, but as he explains at the end of chapter 87, he has other targets than the Saiyans right now. What is he going after? Who or what does he want to face? We'll see what happens now that Freezer is a worthy opponent.

Broly is alive and has a lot to say
Another open file in Dragon Ball Super is Broly. The legendary Saiyan ended in a good way with Goku and returned to the planet where he was banished some time ago. That Broly will return is as evident as in the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, he is training on Bills' planet with Goku and Vegeta. So his role as the third saiyan in discord, controlling his power and so on is a path we will have to explore.

Uub is already a reality in Super (and was a key player in the Moro saga).
Another important figure is Uub, the reincarnation of Buu that Goku requested at the end of Dragon Ball Z. We know that the character is already a reality because during the Moro saga, he gave his energy to help the Saiyans defeat the evil villain. Neither Goku nor Vegeta know where so much power came from, but it's clear that Uub is going to peek his head out sooner rather than later. Is he the strongest warrior in the universe that Whis said he might have already been born at the end of chapter 87? He may well be.
All about the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, are we approaching the end of Z?
The new movie just released a few weeks ago in the United States will also have an obvious impact on the future of Dragon Ball Super. Without going into spoilers, we know that Gohan and Piccolo will reach new heights to overcome new challenges, that Pan is already training and that Goten and Trunks are already teenagers like at the end of Dragon Ball Z. Will they all get a more relevant role in Super? It is one of the requests and the fact of having a movie where Goku is not the protagonist seems to be an indication.

What if Bills sees that the Z-warriors are getting too much power?
One of the most curious figures in the whole Super web is Bills, the God of Destruction. At the moment his interventions are surgical and he always seems to be at a higher stage, but the techniques of the Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego are taking shape and power. Can Bills accept that there are beings in his universe that approach or surpass him in power? Could that lead to some unexpected new path.
Beyond the ending Toriyama designed for Dragon Ball Z
At the moment, Dragon Ball Super is located in that time interval between Kid Buu's death and the end of the series, which means years of peace (that was said in Dragon Ball Z, but we can tell it's no longer true). But seeing the pace of publication, the aforementioned and that it continues to be a huge source of income for Toei -being the license that gives them the most- it is clear that there will come a time when it will surpass that end of Goku and Uub and move on. Will we see it soon? We don't think so, but that it's something that will be raised, almost certainly yes.

All this can be, as it can also be that we are surprised with things that have nothing to do with these moments and characters. The unexpected has always been Dragon Ball's signature. Now we just have to wait patiently for it to come back.