Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1: Reality Augments, complete list, and which ones are the best
We tell you about what the new Reality Augments are about in Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 1, and what each of them do. Which one is the best? Complete list.

Reality Augments are one of the main novelties in Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 1. They’re abilities and upgrades that radically modify the way in which you can play the game. In this Fortnite guide we’ll tell you about what they are, how many there are, and what they’re useful for.
Reality Augments in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1: What are they and how to get them
Reality Augments are a new kind of upgrade that you can get in this new Chapter and Season of the game. These can be found as loot inside any match you play, and they appear as the game goes on. Each time you find one you get to choose between two different upgrades, and their effects stay active until the end of the match. The longer you stay alive, the more augments you can get. When you have one available, simply interact with it to open a selection menu. If you’re not interested in any of the ones you get, you can re-roll them to get a new selection to choose from: the first re-roll is free, but it’ll cost you bars for every try after the first one.

At the start of Season 1 there’s a total of 22 different Reality Augments in the game, but there will be more added as the season continues. Keep in mind that not all of these are available from the start: you need to level up to unlock the rest. There’s a set of quests that work as a tutorial so you can learn how to use Reality Augments. After activating one, you can check any Augment you’ve found in the Augments section under the Quests menu.

Every Reality Augment in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1
Here you’ll find every single Reality Augment available in the first season of Chapter 4 at this time. They’re divided into 4 different types:
Combat Reality Augments
- First Assault - The first bullet in the magazine of your Assault Rifle deals bonus damage.
- Pistol Amp - Pistols have greatly increased magazine size.
- Light Fingers - Makes your weapons using Light Ammo reload faster.
- Bow Specialist - Bows draw and reload faster, and you regenerate arrows over time.
- Mechanical Archer - Gives you a Mechanical Explosive Bow and Mechanical Shockwave Bow.
- Demolition Munitions - Objects you destroy have a chance to drop explosives. Excludes player-built structures.
- Rifle Recycle - Weapons using medium ammo have a chance not to consume ammo.
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- Rushing Reload - Sprinting will slowly reload your equipped shotgun.
Game Changer Reality Augments
- Aerialist - Grants you Glider redeploy for the rest of the match.
- Chug Gunner - Receive a Chug Cannon.
Mobility and Scouting Reality Augments
- More Parkour - Your energy regenerates briefly after mantling or hurdling.
- Supercharged - Your vehicles won’t consume fuel and they’ll have increased health.
- Bloodhound - Enemies hit by your marksman rifle or bow shots are marked for a brief duration.
- Bush Warrior - You regenerate health and partial shields while inside large foliage.
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Looting Reality Augments
- Splash Medic - You have a chance to find Chug Splash in every container you open.
- Jelly Angler - Receive a fishing rod. You can use it to fish anywhere, but you can only fish up Jellyfish.
- Tactical Armory - Grants a Rare Tactical AR and Combat Shotgun.
- Soaring Sprints - While sprinting, you’ll be able to jump much higher—and jump with lower gravity.
- Party Time - Gain Balloons over time.
- Storm Mark - When the storm changes, ping the area to highly nearby enemies for a short duration.
- Forecast - You can always see the next storm circle.
- Tricked Out - Entering a car or Truck applies Chonkers and Cow Catcher to it.
What are the best Reality Augments?
The answer to this question can be both really easy to answer, and reality complex: It depends on your playstyle. If you love wielding a bow and are pretty good with them, then you’ll lean into the Bow Augments. If you want to have information to get the advantage over other players, you can choose something like Forecast or Storm Mark.
It depends on how each of you plays the game. Getting to know each of them is your best option, and that way you can learn what goes better with the kind of plays you typically make in a match. If you do so then you can weigh the options on whether it is better to re-roll your choices or grab whatever is given to you.
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