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Obsidian Entertainment

A new Fallout from Obsidian? The studio’s founder would love to do a new one before retiring

Feargus Urquhart, CEO and founder of Obsidian Entertainment, reveals he would love to work on Fallout once again, but there’s no official plans right now.

A new Fallout from Obsidian? The studio’s founder would love to do a new one before retiring

Obsidian Entertainment won’t say no to crafting a new Fallout experience. Feargus Urquhart, CEO and founder of the studio, revealed during an interview that he would love to work on the franchise once more before he retires, but also admits that there are currently no ongoing plans for it.

“’re not working on it right now [...] There’s nothing in the plans, nothing on the piece of paper that says that. But I’ll stick to what I said. I would love to make another Fallout before I retire. I don’t know when that is, I don’t have a date of my retirement. It’s funny – you can say I’m already 52, or only 52. It’s one of those two, depending on the day. My hope is that’ll happen, but we’ll have to wait and see.”

The release of Fallout: New Vegas happened a long time ago, all the way back in 2010. Many consider it the best modern entry of the series, so its fans aren’t keen to forget their adventures in the post-nuclear mojave desert no matter how long ago they happened.

What about Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2?

In the same conversation with Game Pressure, Urquhart pointed out that the studio is currently busy with the development of two future titles (as well as Grounded): Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2. “I don’t know when we’re going to start talking about new games, maybe towards the end of next year,” said the CEO, referring to the end of 2023 as the conversation happened in December of 2022.

Back in the July Xbox Showcase of 2020, the studio revealed Avowed, a new magical universe by the studio exclusive to Xbox Series X|S and PC. One year later, The Outer Worlds 2 was revealed for the same platforms, both keeping a low profile for the past few months.

Source | Game Pressure