Avalanche Software
Hogwarts Legacy hides tribute to the Hagrid actor who died last year
Although Hogwarts Legacy takes place many years before Harry Potter, the game allows you to visit Robbie Coltrane’s grave, the actor who played Hagrid in the movies.

Hogwarts Legacy can be criticized for many things, but not for its setting. The level of care and detail with which Avalanche has captured the Harry Potter universe is unprecedented and keeps things as magical (never better said) as the one we are about to show you. Hidden within the castle grounds is a beautiful tribute to Robbie Coltrane, the actor who played Hagrid in the films and sadly passed away last year due to multiple organ failure caused by sepsis.
The game takes place many years before Harry, Voldemort, and company were even born, but if we go to the area where the groundskeeper's hut is located, south of the Bell Tower Wing, we will find a tomb in honor of the actor. And what is even more beautiful, if possible, is Buckbeak, his hippogriff, watching over it. A coat of the animal with which Hagrid and Robbie Coltrane brought tears to our eyes in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
You can check out how to get to Robbie Coltrane's grave in the following video:
The future of Hogwarts Legacy
Now that Hogwarts Legacy has surpassed Elden Ring in sales to become the industry's best-selling release since Red Dead Redemption 2, many of us are taking the sequel for granted and wondering what more it can do to become the definitive Harry Potter game because the setting is only part of it. While the game has potential, a sequel cannot be ruled out, as the world created beyond the halls of the enormous school of magic and witchcraft is at a level that will be used for many years to come.
Its creators have ruled out expansions or DLCs, for the moment, but this is normal since the PS4 and Xbox One versions are still on the way (April 4), or the Nintendo Switch (July 25). We'll talk about it in a few months.