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The Last Of Us director explains the changes in Jackson's settlement

Jasmila Žbanić, of Bosnian origin, explains that she wanted to offer her own vision from her experience in the Balkan war in the HBO adaptation.

The Last Of Us director explains the changes in Jackson's settlement

Each episode of The Last of Us on HBO leaves us with some special moment, as well as some curiosity, and of course, changes from what we knew in the video game. Both Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin warned that this would be the case, always with the intention of leaving room for a surprise for those who know the original story that they played almost 10 years ago.

One of the highlights of episode 6 was the location of Jackson's settlement, and while in the video game it is next to the dam of the hydroelectric plant, in the series we saw that it is at some distance, in addition to other aesthetic changes. The director of this chapter, Bosnian Jasmila Žbanić, explained the reason for these changes.

"I didn’t really talk about it, because for me it was very natura," she begins, explaining. "What we talked a lot about was that I survived the war in Sarajevo in the ’90s. I think for Craig and Neil, it was interesting that I was kind of living in a place which was like Jackson in a way, because we were surrounded by the Serbian army, we were constantly bombarded. We had to be on alert, we had to survive, we had to learn how to live without anything, without civilization. There was no electricity, no food, nothing. But we managed to survive because of solidarity, and the way the city was restructured.”

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Meanwhile, she admits that she made some changes to the settlement ahead of a second season that will tell the events of The Last of Us Part II, in which we spend considerably more time in Jackson and it looks different. I was talking a lot with Neil about all the atmosphere of the city and what he had in mind, and what is also not there," she admits.

What will we see in the next episode?

Episode 6 of The Last of Us ends with Joel seriously injured, but those who do not know the story will have to wait another chapter to find out the state of his health. The next chapter, the seventh of this first season, will tell the events we saw in the Left Behind DLC, which tells the background of Ellie before she met Joel himself, and how the bite that appears on his right forearm came to be.

Source | Variety