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Deadpool and Wolverine Unveil the Most Obscene and Foul Popcorn Bowl in History

Ryan Reynolds set out to top the controversial popcorn bowl design from ‘Dune Part 2′ and boy, did he succeed.

Deadpool y Lobezno

It all started with the popcorn bowl from Dune. It opened Pandora’s box. The mind played a dirty trick on many viewers who saw it as... let’s say something more than a bowl. At that time ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ was already being promoted and Ryan Reynolds promised to do something similar for the movie. vSaid and done. But before we show it to you, we want to remind you of the sensational Saturday Night Live sketch about the first one, about the popcorn bucket from ‘Dune Part 2′.

As we said, Ryan Reynolds went to work to be even more obscene and explicit, and the result came to light today. A popcorn bucket that seems to be used for everything but eating popcorn. Let everyone imagine what they want and draw their own conclusions.

Of course, Deadpool’s mockery of Wolverine could not be left out of the design, and as the actor said at the network’s presentation, “Years from now they will look back at 2024 as the year the War of the Popcorn Buckets began.” How much would you pay for it?

Ryan Reynolds Makes Hugh Jackman Cry

Although they spend their days throwing barbs and poking each other like buckets, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman maintain a strong friendship without which ‘Deadpool 3′ would not have been possible. For example, the video of an interview that came out in the last few hours, in which both are asked to talk about each other and our beloved Deadpool brings a tear to the indomitable Logan.

“I think the secret sauce to a long-lasting Hollywood friendship is not too dissimilar to having a partner or a marriage. I am genuinely rooting for you, all the time. I want you to win. It’s the same way I feel about Blake. As I’m rooting for her, I know she’s rooting for me, and it’s why we’re so connected. I want you to win and I know you to be a person that often puts others in front of yourself, and it’s not a show.”

“I see you do it in quiet, I see you do it out loud, I see you do it in every instance, and I think of you a little bit as this guy that kind of like will grab the ticking time bomb and fly into the atmosphere into space and let it explode, and, you know, save all the people on the ground. I so admire those qualities in you and love that in you.”

With so much chemistry, it will be hard for ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ (July 25, 2024, in theaters) to go wrong, although it remains to be seen if they will “save the Marvel Universe,” as they have said.
