Sony Pictures
El Muerto: Spider-Man spin-off gets stuck in limbo and Bad Bunny stays out of Marvel
Sony Pictures has removed the El Muerto Spider-Man spin-off from its release calendar after its main star, Bad Bunny, exits the project.

In a strange new turn of events, it seems that El Muerto, one of the upcoming Spider-Man Universe premieres by Sony Pictures alongside Marvel, has been killed off. After the highly criticized Venom and Venom: there will be Carnage, the failure of Morbius, and the cold reaction to the first trailer of Kraven the Hunter, Sony has begun to snip at a Spider-Man spin-off universe that does not quite work. Now, El Muerto, starring Bad Bunny, is left out of the grid of upcoming releases of the company.
Final goodbye to Bad Bunny’s El Muerto?
A few days ago, Sony Pictures removed El Muerto from its upcoming release schedule, leaving only Kraven the Hunter and Madame Web, both already filmed and in the post-production process. The reasons seem to point to the fact that its main star, Bad Bunny, has a busy schedule and would not have time to shoot this film; between tours, his WWE commitments and the ongoing writers’ strike this could be the final nail on El Muerto’s coffin.

After his participation in Bullet Train, Sony wanted nothing more than to have the music superstar for a new project in the “Cinematic Universe of Spider-Man Characters”. Although after the announcement of El Muerto, a small villain from the Spider-Man universe who has only appeared in a couple of comics, fans weren’t too enthusiastic about the idea, even more so when we consider the great rogues gallery of the Spider-Man universe in the comics.
Despite the departure of Bad Bunny from the project, Sony would still be trying to keep alive the flame of El Muerto scouting new actors for the role, with Jonas Cuaron as director and Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer writing the script. We’ll see El Muerto comes to fruition eventually.
Source | Deadline