Arkane Studios
Every Redfall review score: is this the biggest flop of 2023 so far?
Redfall, the newest game from Arkane Studios (creators of Dishonored and Prey), hasn’t gone very well with the press or the public. Take a look at all of the review scores out now.

Despite having been delayed for a year to be able to bring the game to their standards at launch, and even being one of the biggest bets of Microsoft and Bethesda for 2023, Redfall has not lived up to it. Quite a surprise when we’re talking about Arkane Studios, who up until now have been known for creating some amazing games like Dishonored, Prey, and Deathloop. This change of scenery, this attempt to make a more... “popular” shooter (cooperative, with loot, open world) has taken its toll on them and in addition to a lot of technical problems (no 60 fps output on consoles, bugs everywhere), the title seems to lack everything that made the developer great. And this is what its scores are reflecting.
Review scores for all of Arkane’s games
At the moment it has an average score of 63 on Metacritic and a 64 on Opencritic, and to give you an idea of the caliber of the debacle, these have been the reviews of the rest of the Arkane games to date.
- Dishonored - 88
- Dishonored 2 - 88
- Prey - 79
- Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - 82
- Deathloop - 88
- Redfall - 63
As Arkane Studios is divided into two teams (one in Lyon, France, and the other in Austin, Texas), let’s hope this doesn’t take its toll on the team responsible, the one from Austin, who was also in charge of Prey (whose sequel, by the way, they postponed in pursuit of this project).
But it is not only a matter of the international press. On Steam we already have about 1,000 user reviews and only 30% are positive. The game has a deadly “mostly negative” tag as far as buyer opinions are concerned.
In MeriStation’s review, our colleague Alejandro Castillo spoke of the game like this: “Redfall wants to be many things at once, but can’t be any. We find ourselves with an inert open world, lacking in activities and reasons to explore it. During their long walks, we played a soulless shooter that tries to get closer to the looter slope, but fails miserably. The artificial intelligence, both in combat and when attempting stealth, is not worthy of the genre. But the worst is that there is nothing of what tends to make Arkane Studios games so valued by critics and audiences. The level design is poor and a good part of the main missions consist of going to a point to activate a lever. It conveys the feeling of a half-baked game that could easily have another two years of development left.”
Redfall: all the reviews
At the moment Redfall has a sad 63 on Metacrit after nearly 40 professional reviews. We leave you a quick review of the main international press releases. Take into account that several outlets have decided to hold off on their final review scores until they’ve had more time with the game, like Eurogamer, Giant Bomb, and IGN:
- We Got This Covered - 9
- XboxEra - 85
- SomosXbox - 83
- IGN Spain -
- Hobby Consoles - 78
- Gaming Nexus- 74
- Attack of the Fanboy - 7
- GameRant - 7
- Xbox Generation - 7
- Everyeye-6
- God is a Geek - 6
- MetroGameCentral - 6
- Multiplayer - 6
- Twinfinite - 6
- Windows Central - 6
- Gaming store - 5
- GameSpot - 4
- MeriStation - 4
- Noisy Pixel - 4