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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demo is hiding easter eggs for two legendary super bosses

The recently released demo for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth seems to be hiding much more than we expected, with clear references to two super bosses from the original hidden in plain sight.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth demo seems to be the gift that keeps on giving. Players have been scouring the small playable demo of the upcoming RPG looking for any hidden secrets and easter eggs, and while some have become obsessed with the in-game piano, others have found some terrifying secrets in the very same room (via GamesRadar).

Shared by Reddit user ‘DuuudeBismark’, a pair of posters in the game have been found that quite clearly make reference to Ruby Weapon and Emerald Weapon, two of the secret super bosses of the original FF7 that challenged players to some of the toughest, most difficult battles in the entire game.

The first poster is a reference to the Ruby Weapon, showing a road among red croppings that form the distinctive shape of the giant boss. The text on it reads “Marvel at the RUBY RED Sunset. Corel’s unique red rocks”. In the original game, the super boss could be randomly found roaming the desert around the Gold Saucer and Corel, which are both locations highly featured in almost every trailer for the new title so far.

The second poster reads “Deep Dive Into The EMERALD SEA”, with an island in the shape of the Emerald Weapon. The poster even has colorful shapes in the place where the gems are located on the boss, with a big red “eye” where the face of the monster would be. In the original, you had to wait until you got a submarine to dive into the ocean floor of the planet, where you would find the boss waiting to give you a Game Over.

There are 3 other “Weapon” bosses in the original game, so it’s possible that other posters referencing them are hidden throughout the map of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. But what would be more exciting is if this is a hint of what we might encounter later on in the game. Is it possible that we’ll be able to fight against the Weapons in the Remake trilogy? Their massive size will certainly make it difficult, but the trailers have already shown us some giant enemies in combat.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is launching on February 29, 2024, exclusively (for a time) on PlayStation 5.